What a Week!!

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What a Week!!

Postby Jan » June 8th, 2005, 9:03 pm

Hi everyone,
I've been trying to decide if I should share this with everyone. I finally dedcided to post this because I think it's important that you all know that the reson we as H.A's understand your trials and weaknesses is because we have them too. (you all knew that) This last week has been very horrible :cry: and very wonderful. :D First of all let me tell you that my father who is 99 fell out of a camping chair-- he was getting ready to go on a trip and planned to take the chair with him and decided to try it out. It wasn't quite as sturdy as he thought and he landed on the floor.This happened at about 10:00 pm Saturday nite. He mananged to slitther couldn't crawl or walk-- to his phone (yes he lives on his own)and call me. I drove to his house and tried to talk him into letting me call an ambulance but he insisted we drive him to the hospital. Once there it was determined that he had broken his hip :cry: To make a long story short he had a very risky surgery (no choice) but came thru with flying colors -- surprised the doctors, nurses and everyone. It was VERY difficult for me to send my dad off to surgery knowing he might not make it (He is mentally and physically amazing for 99) Well needless to say I wasn't too great on program this week. I didn't get in all 5 products everyday and I think I was a little heavy on the lean
(too much meat) You see even though I know how important it is to be completely compliant I also know "life happens" and we need to pull ourselves back together and get going again --which I have done. All is not lost -- we just take a little detour. I understand "life happens" to each of you also . Sometimes each of us takes a little detour but you too can pick up and get going again. Oh by the way my Dad is doing great -- he will need some physical therapy but other than that it's a miracle. He can hardly wait to get home to "fix his table saw, build some shelves and work on his scale steam locomotive." His broken hip is only a small detour for him too!!
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Postby DonicaB » June 9th, 2005, 5:00 am

Jan~~Thank you for sharing with us. I am soooo sorry to hear that your dad fell and had to require surgery. I'm sure that must have been a very difficult time. I'm glad he made it through and it sounds like he is ready to go.

Getting back on track is so important and yet sometimes very difficult. I have been struggling for weeks now, but I am not going to quit. It may take me a month to get this back under control 100%, but I refuse to give up completely. I know I am slowing my weight loss down, but like you said life just gets in the way sometimes. For me losing the weight and keeping it off are only part of the battle........overcoming my obsession with food is a huge part of the battle.

I'll keep your dad in my prayers.

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Postby doglover » June 9th, 2005, 5:17 am

Well Jan, I have to be honest here - When you said it was a horrible week I expected you to tell us how much ice cream, pasta, bread...something you had eaten! I am so proud of you that you messed up by missing a couple meals and eating too much lean! I know that sounds weird bec. not being program compliant is not good no matter how off the program you are - but with all that stress you did great! You didn't make bad food choices, you stayed w/ MF but wasn't compliant 100%. Give yourself a high 5 and give that dad a big 'ol hug from me. I am so thankful he is doing so well.

Thanks for sharing - you are a constant encouragement to all of us.
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Postby LeeannNH » June 9th, 2005, 5:31 am

dear jan

im sorry to hear about your dad. i know how devistating a hip fracture can be, he must have angels in his corner, including you! :angel: i am happy to hear that he is doing better and i wish him a speedy recovery.

also, i think it is really wonderful that you came here and shared this "real life" stress situation. i know you have had a tough week and it is amazing that you are able to reflect on your experience, come here and share your food trials during such a difficult time. it is inspiring to me that you are able to take care of yourself in the wake of this instead of allowing it to put you into a "food" downward spiral.

thanks again jan for your strength and your providing hope to all of us. i will be praying for your father. i am sure he will be working on his locomotive very soon!

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Postby tink » June 9th, 2005, 5:59 am

Dear Jan -

Thanks for sharing your story sometimes I think my HA is flawless :D but it is nice to hear that you guys have the same obstacles as the rest of us do! I am sorry that your dad had to go through the hip break and the surgery but it sounds like he is quite the energizer bunny that just keeps on going. Hmm that is something I will apply to my own life and MF program.. just keep on going! I am so happy he made it through surgery and is doing better. Although you might not have gotten all your "meals" in during that time you made better choices which shows MF is working it's magic for us! :mrgreen:
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Postby want2Bthin » June 9th, 2005, 6:25 am


I just became a HA and I know we are not perfect- I wish I were but you know how that goes (don't tell my hubby that I'm not though!) :roll:

I am very glad to hear that your Dad is doing well. I am sorry you had to go through that. 99 and living on his own! WOW! I hope if I make it that long I am blessed like that. You tell your Dad I will continue to pray for him during his recovery. :-P :-P

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Postby martha » June 9th, 2005, 6:47 am

JAN-- So sorry to hear about your dad..Glad he came through the surgery so well.. I am praying for you as well as him.. I know how difficult these kind of things can be ;as a caregiver to my mom(24hrs daily). I am sooo impressed that your dad has not given up and wants to continue with his life to the fullest..Thats AMAZING!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Am also so proud to see that you did so well under the pressure.. what an inspiration to us all. It could have been so much worse.. great to see you back on target and thanks for sharing your story with us as i thought for some reason it was easier when you were a HA.. :lol: :lol: Don't know why but I did.. Martha
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What a week

Postby Jan » June 9th, 2005, 9:32 am

Thanks everyone, especially for your prayers for my dad. He has to go to a rehab center for about 3 - 4 weeks which he probably won't like (too many projects at home) But his mind is very clear and he knows it's a necessity. I told him I could chase him around my house with a baseball bat to get him walking but he said I wouldn't need the bat!! Now you all know I HAVE to be really compliant on the program because I said I would :D I don't dare shove something down my throat or just nibble a little (yup I know how we fall off :mrgreen:) Here's a hint: just post on the forum that you're going to be really compliant and then if you even think about eating something you feel so guilty you slap your own hand-- how could you let all those nice, concerned, encouraging, enthusiastic, praying friends down :D ????
Thanks Again, jan
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