What was everyones Starting weight and start date and goal ?

Post your weight loss successes or failures here...:)

Postby She2chat » March 12th, 2006, 1:11 pm


I am about your height 5" 3 3/4 264 lbs.

If you have someone in your life putting you down consistently for any reason, you are being mentally and emotionally abused.

I know, because I was there for 16 years!

It wasn't about my weight (although I was 125 when we met). He constantly called me stupid and I was never good enough.

I married him after 6 years and after having our first child he got worse. I didn't plan on a second child with him, but God had other plans. (I love both my boys dearly)

By the time that the boys were 3 and 4 (almost 4 and 5) I'd had enough. I finally filed for divorce nearly 4 years ago. I didn't want the kids to be abused by him too.

I just want you to know, if you are in a relationship that is abusive, there is help out there. I just wish I had the courage to have done it sooner. I am 41 and just now trying to finally lose the weight I gained to "Placate" myself to feel good.

I am now healthy emotionally, but NEVER will I be abused by ANYONE again.

Please feel free to PM me if you want to talk privately..

I've been there...


Start Weight 275 Currently 264 11 lbs lost
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Postby Diana » March 12th, 2006, 5:12 pm

Holly --

I agree -- It's all hard after the first 5 lbs, regardless of how far you have to go. Remember that YOU are beautiful because you were created that way.

My uncle STILL rides me and you wouldn't believe the things my dad said to me when I started putting on all this weight (hasn't done any good, I decided to "show them" by eating more -- that didn't work out so well for me, though).

I had to realize the difference between THEIR issues and MY own. Parents are just people. We have a special connection with them, but it doesn't mean they are incapable of being unbelievably hurtful even if, in their own eyes, they think they're being "encouraging."

Everyone needs motivation. 30 lbs - 230 lbs, it's all difficult, one just takes longer.

It was only recently that I realized that I myself was prejudiced against thin people because I thought 1) they were judging me because of my size and 2) they had no idea what its like. Not that both didn't happen at all, but both are largely untrue (no pun intended).

You're half way there!! Don't give up!! Hopefully, you've kept a journal -- go back and reflect on your success. If you haven't, start one! And don't do this journey to make your mom happy, do it because you're going to look and feel absolutely FABULOUS when you get to your goal!!!

If someone says something, be armed with a list of your successes, then end the conversation!! Or tell them that the topic is off limits for them. Hang up the phone, leave the room, whatever it takes.

You're a medifast sister regardless of your start and goal. (Metaphor: just because I have a little house doesn't mean it's not overwhelming to keep it clean.) We're behind you!! I celebrate that half mark with you!! And I can't wait until you celebrate my half mark with me!!!

Send me a pm anytime. I got your back!! As does everyone else here. (Don't let 'em fool ya.)

Here's to our mutual success! :buddies: --Diana
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