by Lauren » February 14th, 2006, 1:59 pm
Hey, Lisa-
I haven't ever had Long John Silvers, but I understand the "bad food" cravings. My cravings have changed almost weekly, starting with fruit (yes, I totally crave fruit!!), and moving to cheese, and now all things pasta/noodle. This is truly a mind over matter situation, and you have to acknowledge it, laugh at it, reign over it, and then do something to change it up.
Sometimes you may just be having a hungry day, for whatever reason. If that's the case, some MF crackers, or a couple pickles may help. Or, if you know you're not hungry, and it's totally in your mind, play the clock game. I will literally look at the clock and tell myself just to get through the next 30 minutes. Push through the next 30 minutes, and then reevaluate. I then begin a new activity, totally unrelated to eating - try cleaning out your closet or drawers - it keeps your hands busy. IF you think to look at the clock at the 30minute mark, then congratulate yourself, and tell yourself to do another 30 minutes. Usually, within an hour, your overwhelming desire will pass. You'll still have an inkling of a craving, but you won't feel dangerously on the edge.
Continue to pay attention to the parts of your body that you see change - positive results will help keep you on the straight line!
Good luck!