I could swear it had a person's name, like Jenny Craig but not. Plus it had an in-house gym of sorts. You were supposed to come in three times a week (I think) to work out on their equipment.
It was AWFUL. Even worse than my Hilton Head Diet, where I was starving all the time, but at least I lost the last 5 pounds that I wanted to lose (I had lost the rest on Atkins; of course I stayed at the 120 mark for about as long as Oprah stayed in her infamous skinny jeans). You ate I think 800 calories in three meals, very low fat, and had to do 20 minutes of exercise after every meal. But once a week, or once every couple of weeks or something, I got to have half a small bagel, which I thought was the greatest thing ever. I'd wait all week for that extra bit of food.