I'm kind of doing a Tour de Force of clothes I really like but won't ever be able to wear again. (Just last February they were a little too tight, and now I'm breezing through them!)
And I've noticed that EVERYTHING seems to be shrinking, including the relative length of my appendages!! (Side note: I know they're not, but bear with me. It's part of the story.) I have to roll up the sleeves, even on my tailored jackets, and my pants make that shu-shu sound that was COOL back in high school --and it's cool now again, too, under the right circumstances.
But back then, they were jeans, and now they're...NOT...not as durable, not as inexpensive, not as paid for by someone else (read: Mom and Dad), and not as pass-on-able if the hems have been worn out of 'em. Desirable with denim when glam rock was big, yes, not so desirable in rayon or polyblend professional garb. And I'm a whole lot more aware of WHAT they're shu-shuing IN!! I've actually pre-rinsed some of my pant hems, not for the sake of that garment, but so as not to mingle what might be on them with my other laundry. (Who's paranoid?)
The decision at school is split. Some say the clothes look better, others say the clothes look baggy. I'm going to assume they both MEAN the same thing. My sixth graders still say it's my hair -- I finally told some of them it might also have something to do with the 40 lbs I've lost.
But back to that sound -- I tried EVERYTHING! Cinched up the belt (could take it up 4 notches from the worn spot!), bunched and rolled the waist over. The pants are already cuffed, so rolling the hem under once more wouldn't exactly work (it somehow affects the educational quality of the lesson if the teacher is "flooding" in front of a bunch of fashion-conscious 12-year-olds); but then I was out of masking tape anyway and my "experiments" in high school taught me that while stapling one's hem might seem more efficient, it's not in the long run.
So, I decided to enjoy the sound as much as possible and shu-shued my way up and down the halls. Who know? Mabye before I get to my goal, pegging will be back in. Now THERE'S an option!
Happy shrinking, all!!