Wow. It's really interesting to see the different sizes at different weights. At my highest (275ish), I was in a 28. When I started Medifast (259), I was a 26. Now, at 187ish, I just bought a couple pairs of size 14 pants, plus some size 14 shirts at Avenue, who I suspect may also be into vanity sizing. Nevertheless, I'll take it! Haven't tried "regular" clothes since my venture into Old Navy in the 18-20 range, I'm curious to know what would fit. It's hard, though; I pick up things, and I look at them, and they look so darn tiny, and I'm certain they'll never go on, and in fact I'm almost embarassed to take them into the dressing room, because what if the people around me are looking and thinking, "Yeah right, like
she's gonna fit in
that!" Old thought habits die hard, I guess.