i am on my sixth day, and have followed the program perfectly. i have not eaten one thing that is not allowed! i can't wait to weigh in on friday morning!
but there is one potential slip up on the way. i am a pastry chef!

i have been between jobs, but i will be starting my new gig on friday. i am not worried about the temptation of all the naughty goods, but it will be necessary for me to taste certain things to make sure that they are the way they should be...i know that i can just have someone else taste them, but i don't know if that will help me tell if the recipes need improvement... and i am talking about things made with butter and sugar and chocolate and nuts, etc....again, i don't feel any overwhelming desire to shove my face into a pan of brownies, but i am worried that a few tiny tastes may add up to trouble in mfland!
in the past, i did not think twice about tasting things! it is what good chefs do, but then again, i wasn't always this heavy, and am not supposed to be, so you can see where that got me!

so what i was wondering, is if anyone has any suggestions as to how i should navigate this road. should i compensate somehow for the tasting, however small? i don't want to mess up my great efforts to follow the plan, but this is what i do for a living! any help will be greatly appreciated