2- start going out dancing or at least taking a few dance classes (like swing dance , or belly dancing again)
3- go to the outlet malls and be able to get all the really cute name brand clothes really cheap since i can actually fit into them.
4- getting a bikini (no not a tankini! I WANT TO SHOW MY TUMMY AND BE PROUD OF IT)
5- be able to run
6- have smaller boobs (or at least i am hoping for that) without having to get a reduction.
7- enjoy being photographed rather than always being the photographer

8- when/if i get married being carried over the threshold without my new husband getting a hernia.
9- the higher confidence that comes with losing weight

10-seeing people i havent seen in a while and having them tell me i look amazing

11- getting checked out more rather than telling my friends they just got checked out by some cutie.
12- stilettos and sexy legs = le rowr!
13- wearing cute bras and panties (even if nobody gets to see them HAHA!)
14-mini skirts and sexy legs = double le rowr!
15- not only being told i have a pretty face, but also being told i have a beautiful body
16-being as beautiful as i am on the inside on the outside