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Postby DntCryLilEmoGrl » May 15th, 2006, 12:02 pm

1- have more energy

2- start going out dancing or at least taking a few dance classes (like swing dance , or belly dancing again)

3- go to the outlet malls and be able to get all the really cute name brand clothes really cheap since i can actually fit into them.

4- getting a bikini (no not a tankini! I WANT TO SHOW MY TUMMY AND BE PROUD OF IT)

5- be able to run

6- have smaller boobs (or at least i am hoping for that) without having to get a reduction.

7- enjoy being photographed rather than always being the photographer :D

8- when/if i get married being carried over the threshold without my new husband getting a hernia.

9- the higher confidence that comes with losing weight :D ( i have confidence already but being able to be like...yeah thats right...look at what i did ...i lost this much!)

10-seeing people i havent seen in a while and having them tell me i look amazing :D.

11- getting checked out more rather than telling my friends they just got checked out by some cutie.

12- stilettos and sexy legs = le rowr!

13- wearing cute bras and panties (even if nobody gets to see them HAHA!)

14-mini skirts and sexy legs = double le rowr!

15- not only being told i have a pretty face, but also being told i have a beautiful body

16-being as beautiful as i am on the inside on the outside :D
"Soon to be mrs sexy pants"
lilemo's getting married on April 6th 2008!!!!!

started changing my life 5/15/06
restarted 10/01/07
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Postby dede4wd » May 15th, 2006, 10:19 pm

When I'm at my goal weight, I want to take Flamenco dancing lessons, wanna join me?

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Postby DntCryLilEmoGrl » May 16th, 2006, 10:16 am


you know what i have my heart set on? taking swing dance lessons, i've just never done it because i wouldnt want to hurt my dance partner if he tried to pick me up lol
"Soon to be mrs sexy pants"
lilemo's getting married on April 6th 2008!!!!!

started changing my life 5/15/06
restarted 10/01/07
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Postby Nancy » May 18th, 2006, 12:13 pm

Many of these things can all come true for us when we follow the plan as listed in the Quick Start Booklet, eat on time and drink our water!

Now I don't know if we will ever be swing dance champions or appear on Dancing With the Stars but who knows? It could happen!

DntCryLilEmoGrl, you are already # 16 on your list!

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Postby DntCryLilEmoGrl » May 18th, 2006, 1:59 pm

thanks nancy *hugs*
"Soon to be mrs sexy pants"
lilemo's getting married on April 6th 2008!!!!!

started changing my life 5/15/06
restarted 10/01/07
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Postby Diana » June 21st, 2006, 11:39 pm

Great list, Emo!! And you're making great progress toward the realities therein!

I love swing dancing. My dad taught me. And I taught as much as I could remember to my sister. One of my favorite sister memories is swing dancing with Dayna at mine and Mike's wedding reception. (Can't wait for it to be easier when we are both half the women we used to be.)
Here's to our mutual success! :buddies: --Diana
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Postby Nancy » June 22nd, 2006, 7:29 am

Swing Dancing sounds like fun, as long as your partner doesn't swing ya too hard, Ladies. You will be lightweights and you just might sail away. Remember that old crooner tune, "Fly Me to the Moon?" It could happen 'cause you will be so slender!

Speaking of dancing...Terry and I don't know how to dance. :oops:

Terry does not dance. At all.

I really do not know how to dance either :oops: because he does not dance with me. We were always overweight and it is not fun trying to dance when ya wriggle, jiggle, huff ‘n puff and bounce… :shock:

When we went to LV in January '05 to meet with two of our Big Loser clients (Guys that both lost 100+ pounds). Terry, Unca and I went to several places to listen to the bands. We don't play poker or pull the lever on those slot machines but we do like great music.

I ended up sort of :dance: groovin' to the music at an Irish Pub with a guy that :shades: looked dangerously familiar to me - I think it was Bruce Willis. I was wearin' my red leather pants (because I can). The room was crowded, many people were dancing and LW danced several times with Bruce or his look-alike. I had a blast!

It was sure fun but some day, I wanna take real live ballroom dance lessons. Terry bought me a gorgeous outfit for the Take Shape For Life Summer Conference and I can just picture moiself wearing it and dancing the night away. It is a floor length black satin skirt with a fishtail and the top is an embroidered sheer top over a bustier.

DntCryLilEmoGrl and Diana, you’ll have to teach us old fogies how to groove! :thumbsup:

Dancing is a great aerobic exercise and a motivator to keep you shaking towards your goals. Hmmm….maybe you can be on Dancing With the Stars! :shades:
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
The Formerly FLABulous and Now very Fabulous
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Postby shortfynesse » July 11th, 2006, 11:28 am

Here it goes. I must say that alot of what I've read on here already belong on my list. In no particular order:

1. I would like to be able to wear cute shirts instead of my chest popping out of them. To go along with that being that my chest is so big, I often feel sloppy in my clothes.
2. I would like to walk in to a crowded place and not wonder if the laughs are about me all the time.
3. I want to be more confident in dating. You can't trully love someone else if you don't love yourself. It's time someone took me seriously.
4. I want to be able to walk into ANY store and find and outfit. And not just go to the back of the rack where they keep the big sizes.
5. I want to learn to ride a motorcycle and turn heads while doing it. For the good reasons.
6. I want a tattoo that I won't be ashamed to show off.
7. I want to be sexy and not just cute and chubby
8. I want to be a motivation to others.
9. I want to travel and be seen
10. I want to trully love myself
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Postby may21 » July 16th, 2006, 12:25 pm

I am new to MF but I try to get on this website several times a week and I am truly thankful for everyone on here. You are a great group of people! I just wanted to put in a few reasons why I finally gave up (because nothing else has worked and I have tried absolutely everything) and decided to try MF:

I want to learn to ride a motorcycle. My husband has ridden them all his life and has 2 parked on the back porch. I just think it would be really cool to ride with the love of my life and him be proud to point out his wife!

I want to buy nice normal clothes that are made for nice normal people instead of having to buy them from Omar the Tentmaker!

I want to prove I'm really not an out-of control person whose head will turn at the slightest whiff of cookies in the air! This is difficult to do. I was raised by one of the greatest cooks in the country and was never weaned from wanting to put as much fat, sugar and calories as possible per square inch in my food! She's cookin for the Lord now and I miss her!

Most of all, I want to do what my husband and family does--love me.

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Postby paulm » September 8th, 2006, 7:21 pm

I don't have 10 reasons but I would say my number one reason is so that I can enjoy a long healthy life with my loving wife. I am still very young (28) and would like to make sure I live a long time and give my wife at least 50 good years! :)
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