What happened to my brain?

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What happened to my brain?

Postby AlaskaB » December 6th, 2005, 5:09 pm

I'm new to this posting thing so bear with me. I have been Medifasting (5 and 1) for a few months now and am pleased with the results. I do have some questions/concerns. My big concern is that I have noticed a marked impairment of my short term and working memory. It is not just me, as friends and coworkers have commented as well. I feel like processing speed is down as well but do not have corroboration for that. This cannot continue.
I have been pretty good at maintianing the 5 and one. Sometimes the meals are 4-5 hours apart but they are all in there. I am taking a one-a-day and B-complex in addition.
Has anyone had a similar problem and fixed it? Thanks in advance for your assistance.
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Postby ljm498 » December 7th, 2005, 4:53 am

Hi AlaskaB! This has happened to me as well when I go so long between meals. I think if I go more than 3 hours my blood sugar goes wonky and I know when that happens my brain gets foggy. I would be sure to get your meals in within 2 to 3 hours apart and see if that helps. Also, make sure you are getting enough water. I know dehydration can play havoc too.

Hope that helps!


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Postby Gwenski » December 7th, 2005, 12:03 pm


I am with Lynne on spacing your MF closer together and getting enough water. Whenever, I go out and get off schedule, I get all sorts of weird. Always make sure you have something on you to take and try to get something down every 2 to 3 hours or so.

Hope this helps you out. Best wishes.

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Postby Nancy » December 8th, 2005, 12:59 pm

Dear AlaskaB ~

Like others have already mentioned, blood sugar can have something to do with experiencing brain fog.

It is important to eat on time and sometimes we don't realize that we have gone beyond the prescribed three hour time interval because hunger truly does go away while Medifasting. Many people actually notice an improvement in their thinking ability because they are no longer in a sugar stupor but likewise, low blood sugars are not good either.

Our goal is to maintain a level blood sugar by eating all of our meals on time. Try eating your meals according to the clock - every three hours and see if there is an improvement. If you are very active, you may require an additional shake or half of a bar.

Be sure to talk to your doc about this. You may also consider calling our Take Shape For Life Nurse.
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