by Lauren » July 13th, 2006, 2:01 pm
Hey, Jenn-
I agree with everyone else, but want to make the point that there's not one particular part of your daily plan that's bad, it's just that the whole combination may not be working best for you.
First of all, just have the bar anytime other than 1st or last in the day. Second, because bars are higher in carbs/calories (significantly), you really want to try not to have them on the same days as soy crisps or crackers. You can, and you won't gain weight, but these are just *tricks* that may help propel things. If you are itching for a snack, sure a sugar-free jello or pickle or celery, all fine. Even the fast soups are lower in carbs...
Then, since you've already got the bar and your soy crisps, the adding of the ketchup AND the salad dressing, has upped your carb intake. Again, each one independently is not a problem, but all on the same day, could be making things a wee bit harder for you. Try the Walden Farms ketchup, it's not terrible, and I also use the Walden Farms Ranch or Thousand Island dressing. All ZERO carbs. You can get them online.
Lastly, even though your burgers sound heavenly, you may want to mix up your L&Gs a bit, and not always have ground chicken with cheese. Often these pre-packaged ground meats are higher in fat and sodium. I don't know if yours are, but there is a trend there. Perhaps a couple days, you may consider having grilled chicken strips or steamed chicken with mixed veggies, or tuna. And not that there's anything wrong with it, but I haven't had a single bite of cheese since I started MF, and I LOVE cheese. I just know that they're higher in everything than fish and chicken, so I avoid it all together. The cheese will still be there when I am in maintenance!
Perhaps if you take a few of the variables out of the equation, you'll see a shift in results!
You are doing great, keep on keepin' on, and keep smiling!