I'm having a REALLY hard time with MF right now, and I could use some expert input.
I have been doing this nearly 5 months now. The first few were great and I lost 34#. I don't know what's wrong with me the last couple of months, but I am floundering way out there, BIG time. It's like I just can't seem to get my act back together. I start the day great with MF for maybe 2-3 meals, then my L&G is usually fine, then after that I just go wacko. I will (not EVERY nite) go to McDon's for a cone, or eat something as dumb as peanuts, or whatever. Then I feel so disgusted with myself, I won't weigh the next morning. I know I'm playing up and down with 4# right now. I feel fat, and totally out of control. I've even been thinking I should stop MF for a few weeks and go back on Weight Watchers. I miss fruit ALOT. I will sometimes eat watermelon. I miss food. It's like I "start day 1" EVERY day! And I get nowhere. I hardly ever have eaten my 5 MF meals because I forget or I'm just not hungry. I drink TONS of water, but now I'm reading that that isn't so good. I WANT to continue with MF, but I feel like I'm spinning my wheels here and I'm my own worst enemy. Should I stop doing MF for a while? Why does the newness have to wear off?? How hard is it to get it back??