by Nancy » June 9th, 2005, 8:21 am
Personally I prefer to actually haul out the old postage meter and weigh the meat.
I have honkin' size hands...a hunk of meat the size of my hanny would be a lot bigger than a piece of meat the size of my sister-in-law's patty cake palm...think about how thick it is.
Once a person has weighed and measured for a while, then you're safer to eye-ball it. Typically people who get sloppy with measuring their salad dressing, salad or vegetable servings or stop weighing their meat, stop counting their water, etc. slow their weight progress. It can happen very subtly and then they wonder what happened.
That's sorrta the scenario for how I got bigger every time I went off a 'diet.'
I looked at it as a temporary thing, a phase I was going through, never quite made it to my goal, got sort of puffed up about looking better and then I started to gradually eat more and more - a little here and a little there and POOF! The Fat Fairy visited me and left me at 265 pounds! I need to run a tight ship to keep me within the bounds of Thinville or I would become a chubbette in a short period of time. No more wanton feeding frenzies for this former fatty – I know me all too well…
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
The Formerly FLABulous and Now very Fabulous
Nancy Pettit