Many of you do not know my story and you will have to really read my Newsletters and previous postings to get it all in your mind. It is just too much for me to write it all out for you at 2:30 AM. I have to get up early for church and that will be all too soon if I go into my usual writage mode here.
When I began my program, I was so out of control with food, I could not be trusted with a fork and spoon.
When I first began recounting my story to others, I thought that I weighed 259 pounds – our scale was wonked out and after checking my doctor’s print out, I now know the freshest weight at her office was 267 pounds. I was 53 years old.
Anyhoo, I was more than fat and I was under tall.
I was morbidly obese and I needed

serious intervention.
I knew weight loss would not be a piece of cake for me and it was best that I went cold turkey from food.
I lost a load of lard drinking nuthin'
Orange Pineapple shakes five times a day.
Once in a great while I swilled a French Vanilla 55 made with sugar-free root beer or a Dutch Choc instead of the OP shake.
All were made in the blender with 8 ounces of water and whole lotta crushed ice. Smoothy-style.
After the first three weeks of going to

to avoid TV commercials and their foody temptations and to forget about my growling stomach (there are cures for that growling and now I know them!)
I had: No hunger.
No cravings. Oh yeah, there were foody

desires now and then but no true cravings.
I talked myself out of them when they came by.
After three months, I switched out one or two of my five shakes for a packet of
Medifast Oatmeal or
Creamy Brocc soup.
Then sometime around the 3.5 month mark, I became very

adventuresome and had a packet of the itsy bitsy Multigrain crackers with my soup and I always

licked the inside of the package to get every crusty salty bit.
Once in a while I had a
Chocolate Divine bar in place of a shake. After four months I had totally
OD'd on the
OP shakes and switched to
Dutch Choc.
I had a teensy
bite of lean
beef on my birthday (3 months & 5 days into the plan) and nearly had a

crap attack in the van on the way to our condo. It was a

blessing I was with

friends… we were on a three week vacation in Kauai.
After a while I began to like the oatmeal

more and more and ended up having three shakes and two oatmealies a day and some days I reversed it. Thrilling variety, huh?

I never get

tired of tasting thin!
I followed the transition program very carefully – the only digression at this point was that I made a
dippy choice to eat salmon (very fatty fish) instead of very
lean deli chicken for my first lean protein portion.
I wrote about that adventure somewhere here in the Forum – I am too lazy to search for it right now but it has to do with tending to the violets in our parlor and having a
random act of poopage (use some of those key words as you search) right there in our front room near the bay window.
Leopard Woman just loves making a spectacular

spectacle of herself...
I did not cheat the entire time I was on the weight loss program.
I was serious about getting the lard out.
I decided I would not go through with my doctor’s suggestion of gastric by-pass surgery.
This was
it and nothing else would do.
Medifast was my last hope.
Medifast was my only option.
I was desperate to succeed so why would I want to cheat and leave myself with nothing else?
As a general rule, cheaters get caught and they don’t win.
Foodies cheat, get caught up in the food game and they don’t end up at the goal line.
Snitching and snacking got me to live my life larger and larger and I

hated it and I


myself. Then I began to


others because of my failures. No more.
I was desperate enough to do it right.
The weight loss averages advertised by Medifast are based on the 5 and 1 Program, DogMa. Dr. Andersen said the difference in weight loss rates is not significant between the two programs. Complications can be.
Here's the sticky issue...
Medifast and Take Shape For Life does not recommend that people use the complete program unless they are under the
strict supervision of a physician to avoid complications to their health.
A certified Health Advisor is not the same as a doctor. We do not have adequate training, the knowledge or the
credentials to monitor a person on the complete program.
There are possible health complications (gall bladder issues is one of them) when people do not follow the transition plan and for people who are on the complete program for a while and then pork-out. 5 packets a day is considered to be a VLCD (Very Low Calorie Diet) and Take Shape For Life’s 5 and 1 Program is a nutritionally balanced low calorie meal plan, allowing for adequate protein levels and the caloric intake is in the range of 800 – 900+ calories, depending upon the products and the Lean and Green choices (the diabetic and senior programs include fruit and some other protein additions).
Diabetics must see their physician or diabetes specialist for monitoring their health and absolutely cannot be on the complete program.
Seniors who use the 5 and 1 Program must do so under their physician’s supervision and absolutely cannot be on the complete program.
People who take medications or who have medical conditions are recommended that they participate in the programs only under their physician’s supervision.
Medications most likely will be readjusted and or eliminated as their weight is reduced.
I am not a dietician.
I am not a physician.
You need to check with your physician before beginning any weight loss program or exercise program that will affect your health.
I am not qualified to monitor people on the complete program.
People who choose to do so are on their own.
I am not Big Brother and although I
am VERY sophisticated (she writes, tongue-in-cheek) I am not technologically sophisticated enough to take


peeky-poohs in your home to know what you do there or which program you are on but I am sure that you can understand my position.

love my

family and I love our home.
I intend to remain sitting cheek-to-cheek next to my family members and blab up-close and personal-like without a glass partition separating us, to wear a gold ankle chain and not an iron chain and to walk around in my leather pants and
leopard underdoodies and not an
orange jump suit with striped boxer shorts. I want to continue

bouncing my grandkidlet on my lap, meeting and greeting our fellow MakeMeThinner losers and

shaking it up with them for as long as my happy little life endures. I wanna live forever in the MakeMeThinner Cottage

writing to the people I

love and care about and not have a long-term stay in the Gray Bar Hotel.
I am not a physician.