What are you looking most forward to?

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What are you looking most forward to?

Postby dede4wd » March 22nd, 2006, 8:42 am

I've had an idea. What are you looking most forward to? I'm talking about physical (weight loss) things, not medical or health problems.

Here's what I have so far...
1. I want to weigh what my driver's license says.
2. I want to throw out almost all of my clothing with an elastic waist or a drawstring!
3. I want to take the middle seat in a plane without the people next to me rolling their eyes.
4. I want to be a walking billboard to let people know that there is a really viable option for weight loss and getting healthier.
5. I want to go to the DMV just to change the weight on my license!
6. I want to see if I can pull off low rise jeans!!!
7. I want to go through a turnstyle without turning sideways.
8. I want to shop in "normal" stores.
9. I want to sky dive, scuba dive and do all kinds of things my weight has kept me from doing.

Nancy calls them "Because I can" moments.

What's your list?

Also, what are you maintainers most excited about being able to do now that you couldn't before!


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Postby DogMa » March 22nd, 2006, 9:16 am

Mine's simple.

I want to be hot.
I want to hear (from someone who hasn't known me forever), "Oh, it's easy for you. You don't HAVE a weight problem."

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Postby MusicalMomma » March 22nd, 2006, 9:18 am

Well, I was ALMOST honest when I renewed my license last time, so I now weigh 22.5 LESS than my license says!! YAY!!...

OK, my list...

I'm looking forward to:

1. being honest about 155 on my drivers license!!
2. going back home for a visit and knocking everyone's socks off!!!!
3. going to my 20 year H.S. reunion and knocking everyone's socks off!!!
4. feeling great in a swim suit
5. shopping in The Limited and Gap!
6. feeling sexy!
7. just plain ole' being proud of myself for overcoming a life long battle with obesity!!!!
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Postby Joelie » March 22nd, 2006, 9:38 am

My list...which I'm sure will be growing. ;)

1. my shoelaces being in the middle of my shoe instead of the side.
2. being able to walk from point a to point b without being winded.
3. taking my dogs for long walks like they deserve.
4. shopping for clothes that actually fit instead of being baggy (cover up), and of course looking good in them.
5. getting off of my BP meds which affect...ahem...things.
6. sit and be comfortable in the seats at a hockey game.
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Postby DogMa » March 22nd, 2006, 9:39 am

Wait, Joelie, you're in Texas AND you're a hockey fan????? We need to talk. :)

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Postby Joelie » March 22nd, 2006, 9:45 am

You betcha! Granted...you could wear shorts outside for most of hockey season around here...but it chilly SOMETIMES inside while watching a game. :lol:

CHL teams is what I mostly follow. Going to a game Friday as a matter of fact.

And of course I'm a Stars fan! ;)
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Postby Pashta » March 22nd, 2006, 10:05 am

Mine is probably too simple:

1. Get back to pre-pregnancy weight plus some if possible.

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Postby Mom23 » March 22nd, 2006, 10:08 am

great topic to help me stay focused! 8) Let's see I look forward to:

1. seeing my brother not look so worried when he sees me every few months (he lives out of state) :thumbsup:
2. Having my children proud of their mom's weight loss and although they've never said, not being ashamed -- that their mom can wear "cool" clothes too :dance:
3. being able to shop ANYWHERE and wear what I want to wear, not just what's only available in the plus sized dept :kool:
4. having my daughter proud to introduce her mom to her new college friends (she's going out-of-state to college in the fall) :puter:
5. being healthy and more self-esteem :mrgreen:
6. not feeling as if certain people are predjudiced against me because of my excess weight :nana:
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Postby falisamarie » March 22nd, 2006, 10:33 am

Man I think my list is endless

1. To be able to not look at others and think "I wish I looked like that"
2. To stand proudly by my husband at reunions and know he is proud
3. To weigh less than my older sister for the first time in forever
4. To not always hear "you have such a pretty face"
5. To look good at the beach
6. To shop at the stores in the Mall (Lane Bryant not included!!!!)
7. To look as good as I feel
8. To make my family proud of me
9. To not wonder if I am the fattest person in the room
10. To wear sexy lingerie for hubby

Ok there is 10 of them but I could go on and on and on and on........

Thanks for the great post

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Postby FORMOMMY » March 22nd, 2006, 10:55 am

Lisa - you took all mine - HA!!

Everything you said and:

1. to be a good example to my 2 little girls (5 and 7) - I want them to eat because they are hungry not because they are upset, etc.

2. to look for my husband like I looked for my old boyfriend when I was in my 20's and 30's (15 years I was with him) because now that I am married to my husband, I realize what true, unconditional love is - and he deserves that "old" Michelle. He has been so awesome - he has NEVER said derogatory remarks to me or about me. He ALWAYS tells me I am beautiful and that he would marry me all over again. After 12 years, it is just better and better. So I want to do this for him almost as much as for myself.

3. to be able to walk into a room and when people look at me it is because they think I look good not because they think - boy is she big!!!

4. I know someone else said this somewhere but - I want the outside to reflect the woman I am on the inside.

As Lisa said, there are so many more reasons but these in addition to hers are my tops.
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Postby Jan » March 22nd, 2006, 12:04 pm

Ok Ladies,
Write these things down and put them somewhere where you can review them daily. That will keep you right on program. This is a wonderful post.
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Postby bzlife1967 » March 22nd, 2006, 1:41 pm

What a great topic, Of course I could be typing for an hour.

1. Not being the "fat" mom at my sons baseball games
2. Being able to wear something from Victoria's Secret besides their perfume.
3. Being able to Tuck in my shirt
4. Not looking at catalog's wishing I looked that way even for a day because I already do.
5. To weigh less than my sister and my mom for the first time in my life.
6. Make my sons proud, and have their friends say... Your mom is hot. Like my sisters kids friends say about her.
7. To have my appearance match my personality and the way I feel inside.
8. Not to look at heavy people and compare myself by thinking "Do I look as big as her?"
9. To run into old friends and have them not recogize me.
10. To MEET my goal "Fit by 40" I have 1.5 years and with Medifast I KNOW I will make it.

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Postby Lizabette » March 22nd, 2006, 2:05 pm

Well, I've been meaning to write down the reasons why I wanted to lose weight. Besides the obvious ones about being healthy again---because none of us can be truly healthy with excess weight bogging us down, I came up with several:

I have children and grandchildren whom I want to be terribly proud to introduce me as such... at several graduation events coming up this May.

I want those at our next family reunion this June to wonder who this sleek, svelte, distinguished looking 'person' is who is crashing their party.

At my husband's and my 60th wedding anniversary this October, I want to be at the weight I was when we were married ---well, I could weigh a little more than that, but still look great! This is the wedding gift I want to give him. He deserves it!

A special delight to me will be picking out junior size clothing (I'm short, you know) and picking out the teensy sizes that are on sale. (I'm also conservative and love bargains!)

When I meet old friends or others I know at the malls... I will pause and smile at them. I want them to stop, looking puzzled, and say, " Uh, uh, uh. You look kind of familiar to me"... and then I will speak to them in my Oklahoma/Arkansas drawl ...and it will soon dawn on them. Whoohoo!

Oh, this is so much fun thinking of what will happen, because I stay compliant on the MF program. If all this doesn't keep me straight, then nothing in the world will! In a nutshell, I want to lose weight for myself!

What great reasons you all have given. I will definitely copy and paste them into a file... and use them for all the inspiration I will ever need.

Thanks, DeDe and the rest of you who have contributed to this wonderful post. And may everyone of your wishes and dreams become a reality!


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Postby ljm498 » March 22nd, 2006, 2:25 pm

Great post!

One thing on my list happened Monday actually. I was at toddler gym chasing my insanely energetic 2 year old around and one of the other moms said "that's gotta be how you stay so thin!" :shock: Never EVER has that phrase been spoken to me. And let me tell you, if felt UNBELIEVEABLE!! I really didn't know how to respond so I just kind of laughed.

The other things that I'm enjoying right now are:

-shopping wherever I want and having things actually look good
-not feeling self-conscious when I go out in public
-having the energy and stamina to keep up with my son
-can't wait to go bathing suit shopping!

and I'm sure there are others that I just can't think of right now.

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Postby Lizabette » March 22nd, 2006, 2:59 pm


That is so :cool: . Just practice saying "Thank you" when you receive such a nice compliment. Everybody say it with me "THANK YOU!" You're gonna need it!

When I go back to my wonderfully supportive doctor in mid-April, I want to see the expression on her face when she sees how much I have lost since my last weigh-in at the office. :shock: I was in my high 180's then.

She has tried to encourage me for years to lose weight. I would lose some and then gain some, you know how that is! She'll be so happy for me because she approved of my going on Medifast! :D :lol:

Isn't that something neat to look forward to? :yes:

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