Whare IS everybody??????????? Restarting now!

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Whare IS everybody??????????? Restarting now!

Postby fairladyj » May 2nd, 2009, 10:02 am

Hi --

Re-starting after a loooooooooooong absence (over 1 1/2 yr). Yep, gained it all back, and then some.

On my 4th day OP and am down 3.5. I had been debating about when to restart, since I have to have a colonoscopy on Monday, and Sunday is the dreaded prep - but I went ahead and did it anyway. I figure a day of clear liquids is easier to adjust to when Medifasting than when eating regularly - but still no fun, with that gallon of gross stuff to get down!

I notice the board is really quiet, and has been for quite a while - I'm sure a lot of the "regulars" from 2 years ago are on their post-MF life and not checking in, but where are their replacements?

I'm sure the lousy economy has something to do with it - tell me about it, I live in Michigan!! At any rate, I'm back - a little lightheaded, but I know it will pass.

Jennifer in MI
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Postby oksoonergirl26 » May 3rd, 2009, 7:59 pm

Hello! I am new to the forum and the program, but congrats on restarting! I hear you about the economy, my husband works in the automotive aftermarket business and we are hurting too.
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Postby timeforme » May 20th, 2009, 11:09 am

I'm ready to get started...again. It's been almost two years, so I need some help. Looking for someone to communicate with on a regular basis.

Interested? Let me know.
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Postby worldawind » May 20th, 2009, 11:48 am

I've also restarted on Monday and I definitely think it's the economy. It took me awhile to justify spending now. I've allowed myself one month to get going. If it works I'll find the money somehow.

Washing everyone good luck.
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Postby dede4wd » May 20th, 2009, 2:32 pm

This is awesome...we have a little "batch" of re-starters! I'm on day 8 and am glad to see some people in the same place as me (restarting!)
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Postby beeah_b » May 20th, 2009, 6:24 pm

I'm coming back to medifast after a long absence also. Stopped in Oct06 when having surgery and have gained back more than 40lbs that I shed back in 2006. :(
Going to restart Jun 2009, been gone since after surgery Oct06. Can't wait !
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Postby sidrah » May 23rd, 2009, 6:58 pm

Ditto to what everyone else said. I am back now that school is out for the summer.

My problem is that I do not plan well and this year has been the worst year ever at school. Going on 9 years in the same district and principals come and go, but this one was ridiculous. I barely had time to do anything once I finished teaching, tutoring, IEP meetings and paperwork, so for me planning ahead and putting meals together never happened.

I have all the stuff ready. I just need some time to write ideas down and just follow it. I know what to do, just have not done it. I am moving a little further from school into Phx. , making my drive each way about 55 minutes now. So, I figure new apartment, new plan, and no reason to fill cabinets with stuff I won't use anyway. Plus, the rent there is cheaper so I will be saving money there....lots of it.

Like in school, I am awesome at helping other people and knowing what to do and not do. When it comes to me, I don't have the time, so I just have been grabbing whatever is there.

School is over and I am doing summer work, but I always do better over the summer, so fresh start, I suppose. And, yes, I feel kind of dumb that I am not better off than I am, but I guess get over it and fix it is a good plan.

Looking forward to the summer rush crowds, too. Have a good weekend!
Don't really care as long as everything's better than yesterday was...

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Postby katieb920 » May 24th, 2009, 6:07 am

I am re starting again. Also. And Yes I agree with everyone about the economy. I have always wondered how much does it really cost to make medifast. 15.25 a box is really expensive. But the results are awesome. I dont know I think if they lowered there price a lot more people would be doing the program
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Postby nickieluv » May 24th, 2009, 9:52 am

Day 1 for me. Not happy about it (inner me is whining 'why do I have to diet?') but even less happy about the new high on the scale this morning. Mad and determined - I know it won't be easy but here I go!
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Postby dede4wd » May 24th, 2009, 12:15 pm

I'm so thrilled to see you guys back! I mean not thrilled because we're back, but thrilled because I have some people to re-start with! With my spring cleaning this week, I feel a weird sense of "this is a fresh start." I'm not dwelling on why I'm back here, I'm not dwelling on how far I have to go. I'm focusing on the fact that I KNOW this program works if I work it as written and don't try to turn it into the "DeDe plan".

I am one of those people that saves money when on program. I am a gas station/fast food junk food eater and that stuff seriously adds up, so I'm saving like $25-40 a week being on program, and it is really odd after only 12 days, that things like my fingernails look better. Not much nutrition in what I was doing, apparently.

Okay, I'm done babbling, just welcome to the other re-starters, let's do it again! Let's get each other through this tough part. I'm really glad I've made it through this long because I have something invested now...it's not worth it to me to blow almost two weeks of hard work for some treat I want!

I got invited swimming and to a pool party this weekend. Unfortunately, I'm not confident enough to do that yet, but come labor day, watch out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let's do this!
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Postby Lollipop » May 24th, 2009, 12:54 pm

Restarting today also. Good luck everybody!
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Postby dede4wd » May 24th, 2009, 1:09 pm

Welcome Lollipop!
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Can't wait to start!

Postby Nurcyn » May 29th, 2009, 1:40 pm

Hi all, I'm Cyndi, waiting on my shipment to arrive today. Can't wait to get started. I've been very inspired by so many people on here! Looking forward to feeling healthy again. With an on-my-feet job like nursing and 2 kids under 6, I need all the energy I can get!! Especially hoping ya'll can help me through the first few days, since I've heard they're pretty brutal. Just wanted to introduce myself!

Starting weight: 265. Post a pic when I'm at home....at work for now! :D
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new to medifast

Postby loraivp » May 30th, 2009, 10:56 am

Hi Everyone! I've been on medifast in the past and I am now back on it. I started the program for a couple of weeks and then decided to send some food back (the ones I couldn't eat) and exchange it for the flavors I did like.. Well 3 weeks later I still have not received my exchange and yep, you guessed it, I ran out of food and fell off the wagon so to speak... I am still waiting for my exchange and have since ordered some food to get me by, but it is tough to eat the same flavors over and over.

Anyway, I am still trying to loose 20-30 pounds and I hope I can do it this time around. Wish me luck!

=) Lora
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Postby Tawanda » May 30th, 2009, 7:05 pm

I'm sorry for those who have regained lost weight (put my name in that list), but am glad to see so many people doing the program. It is a great way to take off the extra pounds and staying accountable to others makes the journey more enjoyable.
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