Went to the gym....

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Went to the gym....

Postby Helen » June 15th, 2005, 11:48 am

for the first time since i fell off the "complete fast" wagon so to speak. i prayed that He would lead me in my excercise b/c if it were up to me ild jump in like a fool. So I did a simple and slow walk for 20 minutes to possibly help my body release some fat cells that dont want to budge. and as soon as i left i felt so great. i mean MF makes me feel good and a lot of energy but this was like a big boost, and this is coming from someone who spent her life in and out of gyms. Tomorow will be week 3 of re-start so I followed protocal plus i was a walker when i first began MF and when i was off the complete plan (what i mean by this is when i was "off" the diet i still used supplements so without knowing it was on a mainanence program).

I also figure it is the best time to start toning as i get closer to goal. As much as i want a skinny body i want a firm one as well.

Thank God for sending MediFast into my life! :D
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Postby Emma » June 15th, 2005, 12:16 pm

Hi Helen:

That's great you started exercising again - I think it does give you boost and gets the blood and juices flowing so to speak. Walking is so good.

I go to Curves 2-3 times a week and I know it's helping me. I personally HATE to exercise and Curves is the only program I've been able to stick with (going on 2 years now).

Keep going!
Started MF: 5/18/05

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Postby Helen » June 15th, 2005, 3:08 pm

Emma- for some reason your post motivated me to contact Curves here and I have an appointment to go in tomorrow. I needed a program to help me tone and all I really know how to do is cardio. I read the Curves web site and it looks easy and already set up. I'm not the biggest fan of working out either so hopefully curves will get me hooked. Maybe Ill walk sometimes and do curves the other days of the week.
Thanks. :D
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Postby DogMa » June 15th, 2005, 4:10 pm

Congratulations for getting back to your workouts. I hate to work out, too, but I LOVE the way I feel when I'm doing it regularly. And it sure makes a huge difference for me in weight loss and appearance.

The hardest part is getting started, so way to go!
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Postby Emma » June 15th, 2005, 4:14 pm

Great Helen - I'm glad you're going to try it. I have some friends who love it, others who aren't too crazy about it - the best thing to do is just try it for yourself.

I find it's quick, I get toned, and there are women of every size there - no "hardbodies" to intimidate me or make me feel like a cow!

Let me know how you like it.

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Postby Helen » June 16th, 2005, 3:25 pm


I went to Curves today. I really liked it a lot. I am going to go 3x a week so I can tone up my body as i lose from this point. And Curves is a 5 minute walk from my apartment. I'm really excited about it and I love the fact it is only women and I dont feel bad about my body. Women understand women and we all know what it is like to have gained weight and now lose it. :D
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Postby czavadil » June 16th, 2005, 4:31 pm

That is so wonderful that you found a place you are comfortable to work out at. A long time ago, I used to work out too. Hopefully, some time soon I will be able to get back into the swing of it. How wonderful that it is just a few minutes walk from where you live. It just sounds pre-destined. Contgatulations on finding a new way to take care of yourself.
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Postby dlr2424 » June 16th, 2005, 7:08 pm

Helen..........my Curves is about 1/8 mile down the street..... :scratch: ......maybe a 5-10min walk..........I used to walk there...... :exercise: .........work out...... :weightlift: ......and walk back home........ :exercise: ....... :hmmm: .....maybe I'll start doing that again...............


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Postby Emma » June 16th, 2005, 7:39 pm

Hi Helen:

I'm so glad you liked it! You're so lucky it's so close too, mine's about a 5 minute drive, not bad at all.

Congrats on your new exercise plan!

Started MF: 5/18/05

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Postby Helen » June 17th, 2005, 6:44 am

Donna & Emma: It is great how close they are to us. It makes it all the more easier.

Charlotte: It is pre-destined! I am so blessed to find a place that has no men and i can work out and not feel everyone is watching me (i know they arent but its my insecurity).

Charlotte and Emma: you and i started about the same weight. You will see the weight fly off fast its amazing!
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Postby LilMsTexas » June 17th, 2005, 9:12 am

Congratulations on finding Curves Ladies! I LOVE that place and it's soooooooooooo fun and nice to be around just lady folks working out. I also enjoy that they measure me completely and check my body fat percentages. It's awesome seeing all those numbers go down and down and down and down!! I will be looking forward to all of you updating me on your Curves process 8) And Donna....go back to Curves girlie...that's to close to home to pass up!!
Christi AKA LilMsTexas


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