wendys is evil

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wendys is evil

Postby LeeannNH » August 3rd, 2005, 5:47 pm

hi guys

i have had a dramatic day and because of that i ate a cheeseburger and fries from wendys :x

i am so disappointed in myself and i am equally embarassed by this. my husband was like "what are you doing?!" he knows how hard i am on myself and he is now really worried about my future with mf. i am what you would call the ultimate in self-sabatoge.

i have been doing really well on mf and now i feel like a jerk and have let myself and the team here on the forum down. :oops:

i know i have to give myself a break...this is my first "slip" on the plan and i want it to be my last... :sadblue:

i just wanted to come here and vent my disappointments with everyone. im sorry to be a downer tonight...im just really upset with myself.

i am back on the shakin trail in the morning. i had my mf meals today and that freakin burger and fries was my "lean and green" :mrgreen: YIKES

anyway, thanks to all of you guys for listening. id love to hear from you guys that have had a slip, gotten back up and were successful

im just really worried i am going to be a failure
leeann :cry:
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Postby Jan » August 3rd, 2005, 6:15 pm

Hey Leeann,
One mistake doesn't make us a failure ( you know that) just like one shake isn't going to make us skinny (drat) :mrgreen: It's what we do everyday, day in and day out that counts. :D Nobody gained 20 pounds with one hamburger unless there was something rreally really wrong with them. Just get back on program -- realize you may be a little hungry again for the next three days -- the body adjusting again you know --but you'll make it. You know what to do and I know you can do it.

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Postby martha » August 3rd, 2005, 6:52 pm


Hey girl.. you are not a failure and need to stop beating yourself up.. you have done so well and been such and inspiration to me as well as many others.. Sometimes we are our worst critics and I know all about self-sabotage..It happens to alot of us.. :oops:
You can DO this.. I have so much faith in you and your ability to reach the finish line(goal)..I will be here right beside you cheering you on every step of the way..so GO GIRL :mrgreen: :mrgreen: Get back on program tomorrow and put this trial behind you.. I need each and every one of you next to me to finish too and sometimes we might try to let our own guard down but wouldn't dream of letting someone else down..you know what I mean?? I need you girl.. pick yourself up and dust those pants off and start shaking :mrgreen: 1 slip is not bad--trust me..and together we will cross that finish line..Martha
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Postby want2Bthin » August 3rd, 2005, 7:08 pm


Keep smiling! :D Things aren't so bad. You are doing awesome! One mistake is not the end of all your hard work! Tomorrow is a fantastic new day! It takes a while to learn how to control our "old" emotional eating habits. Don't let the negative thoughts take over! Remind yourself that you are a beautiful person & that you are going to be successful on your journey!
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Postby LeeannNH » August 3rd, 2005, 7:17 pm

i :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: you guys!

jan, angelia, and martha, yall are awesome for lifting my spirits. i know that everyone slips sometimes, but i am SO HARD on myself. i absolutely know i can do this, i just needed the extra nudge from my mf buddies! i really do not know what i would have done without this board.

i have been so :cry: :cry: upset ever since the "oops" it really helps to see that someone cares and believes in me. i guess its hard for me to understand why i eat or cheat when i do. my husband is very worried, he thinks im done for and that i will fall into my old patterns and gain my weight back. why does he think this? well, because he has seen my pattern. he has loved me throughout all of my gains and losses and is desperate to see that come to a healthy end. my "old" emotional eating habits are evil :twisted: . i am going to take your advice angelia--no negative thoughts!

have either of you ever had a slip? if so how did you handle it? was it more difficult to stay compliant? i feel like such a dork :table: i am truly scared of what tomorrow will bring.

thanks again martha, angelia and jan--you guys are so sweet...im going to stay on here and read tonight, try to get more inspiration and gear up for the morning!

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Postby LeeannNH » August 4th, 2005, 10:12 am


i have been completely compliant today! ;) no feelings of hunger, regrets, or anything negative! im livin and learnin from my slip

im just happy to have mf and this forum! i have put the wendys behind me!


also, i cannot say enough about the kindness of nancy and the folks here. i was feeling so awful yesterday and all of you guys were so nice to me. it is so nice to know that there are people in this world that do not judge us on our weight struggles. it is really hard to be heavy and to have this forum as a soft place to land is wonderfully comforting.

anyway--thanks again guys
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Postby Unca_Tim » August 4th, 2005, 1:08 pm

Way to go Leeann!!!
:cleader: :cleader: :cleader:

Guess i look a little goofy with pompoms, but you get the point.... :shock:
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Postby want2Bthin » August 4th, 2005, 4:02 pm


YOU GO GIRL!!! :lol: :lol: I knew you'd get back on track today!

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Postby martha » August 4th, 2005, 4:36 pm


GREAT JOB of getting back on track :mrgreen: :mrgreen: I knew you could do it...Keep up the good work and watch the pounds melt away :mrgreen: :mrgreen: --Martha
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Postby LeeannNH » August 4th, 2005, 6:43 pm

:D :D :D :D

hey guys

unca---actually you dont look goofy with pom poms, however you would look VERY goofy if you looked like the little character holding the pom poms! that would be SCARY :shock:

angelia and martha--thanks for the virtual high five! i am done with my first successful day after the slip....WHEW! now i know i will be ok :hi5:

i do have to say that EVERYONE BE WARNED...my experience with this slip made me realize how bad fast food is. my body freaked out-i had stomach cramps and today i felt like i had a hangover :tongue: i didnt even feel challenged to fall off the wagon today...mf makes me feel good about eating

thanks again guys and have a wondermous night! you guys ROCK
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