It is really good to have men post - we have many male clients but for some reason they do not always feel comfy enough to post but they do confide in me and tell me that they read the Forum often.
It is always good to get other people's perspectives - we all vary in terms of our ages, hobbies, interests and cultural backgrounds and yet we share some of the same problems with foods. As we talk about them we learn how to deal with our personal foody issues appropriately and we can be of benefit to others. Big Ron and Hyperion, we are pleased that you’ve joined us and we value your input.
Big Ron it can be difficult to deal with meals when traveling as you are well aware – I suspect that in some ways, Medifasting can be a relief to you – you save $ - Medifast meals cost a LOT less than wining and dining in a fancy-schmancy restaurant, it is safer physically Medifasting because we avoid late night forays down the hallway to the vending machines – you’re less likely to get locked out of your hotel room or conked on the noodle by some wacky hall-lurker! No hanging out in the bars late at night – unless it is a water bar or the gym/swimming pool and Medifasters are most likely more productive – we get a lot more done when we don’t have a carby overload and zonk out over our computer keyboard or in front of the mesmerizing teevee!
Welcome aboard, Dude!