Weirdness in a shaker glass

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Weirdness in a shaker glass

Postby LongWay2go » September 15th, 2004, 1:46 pm

LW asked me about my curious drop to 4 pounds of lost butter fat this past week and it got me to thinking. I pulled out my old daily diaries from when I was on OptiFast a couple of years ago and I found EXACTLY the same pattern! I lost like gangbusters for a few weeks, then had a 5 pound week, a 4 pound week, a 3 pound week, a no loss week, then a 1 pound gain week. All of a sudden BOOM I was back up to 7 pounds a week and stayed there for the duration of my participation in their program.

Anyone else experience this phenomenon? It doesn't much concern me, as the end result was good, but it sure has me curious!

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WARNING: Don't try this at home, kids...
Euphoria may result!
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Postby elle4nelly » September 15th, 2004, 1:57 pm

Hi Gerald!

Most people who have dieted several times before, do lose in pattern. I always drop 9-14 lbs the first week. Week 2 it goes down to 4-6 lbs and week 3 I either do not lose anything or even gain 1lb or 2lbs. Week 4 I can either drop a large load of weight like 6lbs or 2-4lbs.
It's always the same story. And each month on a diet there is that week of 1lbs somehow.

So I wouldn't worry if I was you since you know your body's weight loss pattern.

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