I can't speak to the issue of your struggle with an eating disorder, I'm not in any way qualified (and it's a serious issue), but I will ask if you've considered counseling, or if you've recently talked to a doctor about it. We all want you
HEALTHY first and foremost, thin is a secondary goal. Health comes first.
Now, as to the poundage plateau, have you taken your measurements recently? Weightloss shows in more ways than just the scale, and often shows in other ways even when the scale just sits there. If you've got something to compare to, take your measurements and see if you've lost inches. Muscle weighs more than fat, and if your exercise is starting to increase your muscle mass, that might be what's off-setting the poundage of the fat loss (right? someone with a little more expertise want to chime in on this?). Back in August, my aunt bought me
Body for Life for Women (excellent read, it really got me motivated to take control of my weight/life). One of the author's suggestions for evaluating our progress is to take a pair of pants that you can get into but can't completely zip or button, and then try them on once a week. Even if the scale stays put, those pants will show the truth about what your body is doing. She calls it the "Clothes-O-Meter." In fact, here's what she says about the scale:
Pamela Peeke in Body for Life for Women wrote:So many women get hung up on the number on the scale, and if they're not seeing big changes there (because they haven't opened their eyes to other methods of measuring progress), they'll feel as if they've failed. But as I've said before, depending on scale weight alone is not an accurate way to gauge your progress, especially as you gain muscle with weight training. Even if your scale weight isn't dropping rapidly, you may be trimming inches, dropping dress sizes, and removing body fat. Lost inches and looser clothing will help convince you that the Body-
for-LIFE for Women Training Method
[I insert Medifast Program here
] is working for you. Scale weight is just a small piece of the action. Your goal is to optimize your body composition.
Ladies, open your mind to other definitions of success. The beauty of the Body-
for-LIFE program
[Medifast Program
] is that it's not just about "losing weight," it's about
gaining a life - a new, better life, filled with perks: more energy, a more positive outlook . . . more passion for life, more self-confidence and self-esteem. When you measure success beyond the scale, the benefits of the program seem limitless.
She gives a checklist of ways to gague progress, and suggests filling it out at one-week intervals. Included on the checklist are body-fat percentage, clothes-o-meter, measurements (chest, waist, hip, thigh), scale weight, mood, energy levels, and overall quality of life.
You're going to make it through this. Every time you eat your meal, tell yourself that YOU are exerting your control over food, the food will not control you. When you skip a meal, that's food controlling you (not the other way around). Food has controlled most of us in one way or another, I think, or we wouldn't be here; now, with our confidence in the Medifast program and the support of our forum mates, we take that control back.
Glad to have you with us on this journey - please keep us posted on your struggles and successes.
- Dayna