No weight 5!

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No weight 5!

Postby cindyl » January 29th, 2006, 5:48 pm

I hope someone can give me a glimmer of hope, I am becoming discouraged already. I have followed the plan exactly as prescribed for 5 days and have not lost one pound! I have over 100 to lose, so I thought for sure I would see a loss by now. My body even feels like it's holding on to the weight. I am drinking at least 64 oz of Crystal light a day plus water. Has anyone else had this problem of not losing right away? Everyone else I know that uses this program had huge numbers the first few weeks. I really thought this program was the answer for me, now I'm starting to feel like maybe not matter what I do, I'll never lose weight! Help!
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Postby stelar » January 29th, 2006, 6:04 pm

Don't give up! Your body is adjusting. Give it some more time & I'm sure you'll see the loss. Make sure you're getting in all your supplements & drinking your water. I'm a super slow loser & I have hypothyroidism & I'm losing, I know you will too.

Keep shakin',
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Postby falisamarie » January 29th, 2006, 6:20 pm

Hang in there Cindyl the weight will come off. The best advice I can give you and I know this is not easy but stay off the scale for a few days and then weigh. This program is proven and if you follow it you will lose. There are factors that can affect your weight loss and if you search the forum you will find many results on this.

Just keep shakin the weight will leave

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Postby cydj21 » January 29th, 2006, 7:22 pm not give up! I promise you, this program will work. I've never had any luck with any program...including South Beach which everyone swore would work for me. I read that book cover to cover and didn't slip up once, and it just wasn't working....and on top of it I was miserable! :x

As of today, I have 111 left to lose. I understand how overwhelming it can be, but you have to have faith. Lisa is right, don't get on the scale. I have been limiting myself to once a week. On once, off once and I don't get on it again. It keeps me sane, and it keeps me from obsessing. :roll:

Make sure you're getting all your water in, make sure you're getting all your supplements, and make sure you're obeying the rules of condiments, snacks, and Lean and Green and it will work. I'm a newbie I know it will. When you get frustrated, do exactly what you did, and come here and vent. We will listen. Whatever you do, do not give up. These past two weeks have been very empowering for me....I have more self esteem than I have in years, just because I finally know I have control of my eating habits, my weight, and my health. I wish that for everyone, and I wish that for you too.

Stay strong. Have faith. We're all here behind you. :hug:
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Postby Unca_Tim » January 29th, 2006, 9:26 pm

Hi Cindy and welcome to the forum,

Don't let the scales frustrate you. You CANNOT help but lose weight if you stick with the program.

Could you give us an example of one of your typical days?
Also are you taking any meds, any excess stress, drinking your water?
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no weight loss

Postby Jan » January 30th, 2006, 12:05 pm

Hmmmm Cindy,
I'm with Unca here -- you can't not lose weight. The only thing that could possibly slooooow you down is not eating enough. If you skip supplements (you know we all have to deal with our old thought mode of if we eat less -- we lose more -- WRONG :x ) Please make certain you are either using 5 supplements each day and a lean and green or if you are on the complete program 6 supplements. This needs to be done under a Dr's supervision. Talk with your Health Advisor-- as stange as it seems you may need to add another supplement for a short time to assure your body you are not starving.
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