Weight Gain/Spouse

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Postby martha » June 9th, 2005, 3:54 pm

Ladies--- hope you have a better week.. as for husbands not wanting to say I love you;mine is just the opposite.. use to drive me crazy!!!!! :x but as many of my friends jumped me over the years for complaining I now realize it's a good thing(i guess) I always felt like I wasn't worthy or something and felt smothered all the time by those 3 words.. Isn't it strange how some want to hear them and some hear it to much.. I guess because he is only home 16 weeks a year he thinks I'll forget or something.. even when he emails me he says it over and over.. just use to drive me crazy till my sister-in-laws husband died at 43 of a massive heart attack not to long ago.. she and I talked and he had just started saying the words to her about 4 months before he died.. Best 4 months she said out of 20 years of marriage.. finally connected only to have him taken so young.. I finally get it that she will never hear those 3 words ever again..and i now realize how important it is to other people to hear those words.. guess we just take some things for granted.. know this probably has nothing to do with what you are saying but for me it means alot just to finally tell someone that I GET IT!!!!!---Martha
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Postby tink » June 10th, 2005, 5:49 am

Teezs2k - You hit the nail right on the head. I hate to be smothered so you brought up a good point in that I am sure DH doesn't like it either! I never really thought of it like that till you made the point. I honestly know that this lies within me .. I have to empower myself not just with dropping weight, being healthier but in all aspects of my life.

I think a girls cruise would ROCK! :yeah:
"Just keep shaking shaking shaking"
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