Well the box says for 1 burger (4 OZ. ) its 160 calories . So I was making 2 of them and feeding about 1/3 of one to my doggie and I was having 1 and 2/3 lettuce and mustard burgers..Yummy
So today I bought a little kitchen scale.After I cooked them I weighed them and they were only 4 oz for 2 whole burgers.

I weighed 2 frozen and they were 8 oz .So I guess they shrink up and lose half there weight????????/
So what do I go by.??? Frozen or cooked? Because if I go by cooked I can have gezzzzzzz over 3 of them .That sounds like alike. And the box say 160 calories for 1 .Do the calories change to after cooking them ?
what sould I do ???????????????