Well I weighed in today and I didn't lose any but i refuse to get discouraged. I am back home from bring the dogs to the humane society, and it was truly one of the hardest thing that I have ever effin done, but normally i would turn to food. But not today and not ever again. I am really proud of myself, every time i have wanted to today i have either gone on here and read ya'lls blogs or read a book or gotten some water. I just want today to be over. Today me, my mom and cousin cooked all the food we are gonna eat for the week so that it will be easier on us, and everything is already split into the right size portions, all we have to do is make our salads. So that kept me busy for a while. But thank you guys for all your comments, they have helped me more today than you can imagine!!!

(thats how i feel today!)