4 weeks of success

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4 weeks of success

Postby ready2change » August 12th, 2004, 4:47 pm

Hello everyone! I have finished four weeks of the modified Medifast program and have been losing weight better than on any other diet plan. the amazing thing is that I feel great, have energy, and don't feel hungry all the time as in the past. I have learned to drink much more water, pay attention to the time between meals, add in the boullion or a pickle etc.
Here's a neat benefit - last Christmas my husband and I went shopping at an outlet mall together and he picked out two pairs of slacks for me. They were "my size" at the time but I could barely get them on. I got them anyway but was never able to wear them. I put on the pair of jeans yesterday and could hold the waist away from my tummy about two inches! Yea! that really felt good.
Keep going, everyone! This plan, with the ketosis that reduces hunger, is really working.
Asking God to help me make changes that will help me to serve Him and others.
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Postby DutchChoc » August 12th, 2004, 8:46 pm

Yeah, ready2change!!! :hi5: What you said is quite motivating to me and I've taken it all in to replentish myself. You're definitely on the fast track, now, and congrats for having the bonus of seeing those slacks get slack. I'm finishing up week four, also, on Sunday, and it is SO GOOD to get up in the morning and know that I'm not a speck fatter, have nothing but good news awaiting me in the closet because nothing's gotten tighter, etc. It makes all this worth it. That, and the days go by just as they would eating too much.

Coincidentally, we are in the same weight zone, trying to reach the same weight zone. If I make it, I'll be overjoyed. As it is, this is already something to be grateful for achieving. I can't help but wonder how long -- much longer - it will be, and whether I'll maintain enough eagerness to make it happen.

Thanks for your news! Good luck, and I'll be right here too.
Ending weight MF 10/2004: 126
Starting weight 12/1/08: 168 :-(
Loss December: -7/-0
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Postby Nancy » August 13th, 2004, 2:04 am

Hoo Boy, Ready2change!

That is so cool! Doesn't it feel god to be able to see the changes in your body taking place before your very eyes?

Hey, here's a thought: If those pants are 2 big - pass them on to someone else! We have a new Swap n' Shop Room http://www.makemethinner.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=23

where ya can trade or pass on clothing!

My advice to you is this: once you are too thin for your clothes, get 'em outta the house. You are NOT going to return to that size.

Don't let large sizes linger - it gives people the mentality that IF our pants get a bit too snug, we can always find another pair in the closet.

:x El-wrongo-thinkin' -- that's Stinkin' Thinkin'!

We are on our way to Thindom and we must change our thinking.

When there are NO clothing options, don’t buy larger sizes, reduce your grub intake and get your gut smaller so it fits into your existing clothes!

We wear clothes that fit our bod. When something gets too snug, shake it up a bit for several days!

Men, keep your belt short.

It is kind of fun to hang on to the 'original' belt and just keep wrapping it around your waist - it is a great 'trophy' to show others (and to remind yourself if where you USED to be) but you want to keep your 'good' belt a bit on the short side so that you have no room to grow into it or to expand your hunky waistline. :heart: handles are no attractive when they surround your waist and hang over!

Some folks don't weigh every day like I do (I NEED to weigh every day - it is part of my accountability plan) so if you are not a daily weigher, use a great fitting pair of zip up or button up pants to be your guide.

Dutch ~

You are making super progress!
If I make it, I'll be overjoyed. As it is, this is already something to be grateful for achieving. I can't help but wonder how long -- much longer - it will be, and whether I'll maintain enough eagerness to make it happen.

:shock: What’s this? :shock: IF ya make it?

You ARE MAKING it!!!

You are well on your way. I know it seems like things go slowly – believe me, the poundage leaps on those hips and chins a whole lot faster than it peels off but with MF, it DOES come off. Stick with it – it is well worth your effort.

Yeah, you HAVE enough eagerness to make it happen.

:stroll: Come on, Baby, you CAN do it! We’re countin’ on you!!
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
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Postby DutchChoc » August 13th, 2004, 5:26 am

Thanks for the talk, Nancy. I'm going to keep going, and if I get on the brink of changing that or coallescing (where is that spell check? :roll: ), I'll send up a smoke signal first, I hope.

I've disappointed myself so doggone many times in the past that it's hard for me to imagine that this could be different. When I started, I had the irrational idea that I would just do this "do over" of some of the weight I lost in April and just "lose even more" so that it would take longer to gain back (with admitted thoughts of how nice that would be, eating, I suppose I mean). So, for me to stop being an incorrigible "fat person" is going to demand a change. I hope I'm changing, but it will only be at the brink of "a big choice" that I know whether I am.

This is the best forum ever.
Ending weight MF 10/2004: 126
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Loss December: -7/-0
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Postby Unca_Tim » August 13th, 2004, 6:37 am

Hi Ready,
Great to see you settling into the plan. Use this time to prepare yourself for LAM. (Life after Medifast) Think about why you're having such great success. REGULAR portion controlled, balance, health meals and lots of good ole h2o. If you get that ingrained into your head now, and make it a habit, you'll have no trouble maintaining your glamorous new bod later.

Dutch - I have to add a little to what Nancy told you. This program DOES work and you will reach your goal if you stick with it. That's the easy part. Like I said to "Ready", use this time to, not only get your bod in shape, but your brain also. If you don't do it now, where will you be in 3 or 5 years. Back to 180? 200? 250? Will it be easier to lose then? Will you feel better about yourself then? NOW is the time to deal with this. Nip it in the bud. Reclaim your health. You deserve it, and your friends and family want to have you around - healthy and happy for a looooooong time.

Sorry for the curt words, but i want you and anyone who reads this to have the healthiest, happiest life possible.

You CAN do this,
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Postby Nancy » August 13th, 2004, 9:19 am

Dear DutchChoc ~

You know, it DOES take a while to get it in your head that this MF miracle does work and more importantly, that it will work for YOU.

I recall being so so scared that it would work for others but not for ME. I also was extremely concerned about regaining my weight. I just could not risk another failure.

That is why I put off going on another weight loss plan for a number of years. I had failed so many times - so many times. I just didn’t know how I could ever approach my husband Terry and ask for the $ to make another weight loss attempt. While he had always been supportive of me in all of my previous dieting jags, he still made me feel special and I knew he loved me unconditionally, I also knew that there was a part of him that felt like it would be ANOTHER waste of our $ and my time and self-esteem.

We also did not have the $ that we thought it would take to start the MF program. We didn’t think about how much $ we would save if we were not buying other foods. Medifast became our “grocery store.” Initially it was a significant financial outlay as we bought a two weeks’ supply for each of us.

In those days, it took 10 days for our food to get to us. We were in fear of running out (which we did) before our next order arrived. We decided that we could NOT afford to NOT keep on Medifasting as 1) we felt great 2) it was working! 3) it cost less than what we had been spending for food – grocery bills plus dining out, plus fast food and incidental specialty coffee drinks or pop, ice cream, etc. 4) we were saving a lot of $ by not needing certain prescription drugs.

I watched our friend lose weight on MF – he had lost about 35 pounds when we decided to give it a “try.”

Like you, I thought I was embarking on a trial run. I had :twisted: FAILURE written on my forehead when I looked in the mirror and failure :twisted: on my brain.

There wasn’t the MakeMeThinner Forum or the network of winning losers for me to connect with. I just did not want MF to be a temporary “fix” for me. I wanted this to be the LAST time I’d ever have to undergo such a monumental task.

My prayers are answered – and so are yours.

Here’s the Big IF, Folks.

IF you follow the plan – follow it exactly right – the WHOLE plan: the weight loss plan, the transition plan and the maintenance plan, this CAN and WILL be your last weight loss phase.

You WILL be successful. IF you look at this as a LIFESTYLE. Daily choosing to do what is best for your LIFE.

Some of my clients want a “temporary fix.” They have a wedding or a special event and they want to lose for a season. Others – like you and me, want this to be a permanent fix. And it is permanent IF you make some major permanent LIFEstyle changes. It has taken a LOT of brain changing for me. I have been a fatty for most of my adult life. Fluffage was my way of life. It was my way of hiding – oh tried to be like Waldo and hide from stuff but my stuff stuck to my hips, thighs, arms, belly, etc. I still struggle at times with seeing myself as a thinner person.

I think I mentioned recently about an acquaintance of ours that has lost 135 pounds, too. When I saw him recently I greeted him and asked the usual, “How are you?” He answered, “I’m tall and thin!”

What a great response. I practice saying to myself, “I am tall and thin.” Or “I am a slender woman.” It helps me to get it in my noggin that I really am a thinner person.

Being thinner is one thing.

Being healthy and fit is also very important. I try to focus not on weighing a particular poundage but concentrate on being healthy and fit.

When I am faced with tempting food or when I wrongfully think that something foody might make me “feel” better - when I am going through one of life’s situations (ya ALL know about those issues that seem to crop up every fifteen minutes!) , I remind myself that my health is very important to me and to my family, that I want to live life to its fullest extent, with no regrets, to the edge of all my possibilities, that nothing tastes as good as thin feels and it is so much easier to make the right choice for me.

Fill your minds with things that are excellent. I read my Bible and pray every day – for my needs, my family’s needs and for my MakeMeThinner.com People. Uh, that would be YOU!

Make your health one of your priority items: write your name on your To Do list, and then DO it!

Have a happy and healthy weekend every one! :byebye:
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
The Formerly FLABulous and Now very Fabulous
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