3 weeks down

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3 weeks down

Postby TamiL » February 24th, 2004, 4:53 am

Mornin to All my Forum Family
Well today is 3 weeks for me...this is about the time (IN THE PAST) that I normally start to Feel good..think that I can have a little of this and a little of that...and from past practices...before I know it, Ive binged on everything under the sun!! THIS TIME IS DIFFERENT!! I have not weighed myself, however, I have been measuring my loss by a Pair of Green Pants (dosent everyone have a FAVORITE pair of pants from your "Thinner" days that you loved) well..my GREEN pants are a size 8..and 3 weeks ago..I could not get them ON!! now this morning..they are ON.. ;) .but look as if they are PAINTED on my body!! lol!! :x

Yes, this makes me mad at the fact that these pants fit me just 3 years ago..and actually used to hang off me...but thats the PAST...have to forgive myself for past mistakes! so Every 3 weeks..I will try these pants on..and hopefully they will get looser and begin to fit by the summer time. I want to loose QUICK..but I know, as Mike has said so many times..I DIDNT GET THIS WAY OVER NIGHT..and its going to take some time to loose the weight!! that is one problem I have...very impatient!! there was a time...a few weeks ago..before Medifast, that I thought I would give these pants AWAY...was giving up ever fitting into them again...but this morning I HAD HOPE..I saw myself wearing them again..with a cute little shirt and some shoes...and over time...they will begin to fit, and with every dress rehersal...my smile will become bigger..and Ill be one step closer to where I want to be!!

To all of you that are struggling with numbers on the scale....let me just say this...your brave!! I choose not to struggle with numbers...ups and downs, not yet anyhow. I choose to go by my GOAL PANTS...every few weeks to measure my sucesss, especially next week when I start working out again!! I hung them up this morning...so I am reminded every day...that I WILL WEAR THEM AGAIN!! ;)

Off to work my 24....with my RTD shakes and Chili w/crackers (yummy)
my Steps are definatley getting lighter....and my smiles are definatley more frequent, and reading all your posts gives me hope and inspiration!!! together..we will all get to our goals..one day at a Time!!! :-P


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Postby Guest » February 24th, 2004, 5:53 am

Three weeks for you! Yeah! Lots of times when I start something I last three days before I cave in. Those green pants will be a reality. Good work, you go, go, go, all the way to Thinsville. Meet ya there.

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Postby Jeanette » February 24th, 2004, 7:08 am

What a great attitude, Tami! This is why you will succeed this time when you haven't before.

I know for me, the difference is I was mentally ready to get rid of the weight. Before I would dabble at it half heartedly. No wonder I yo-yo'd!!

Anyway, great post! Thanks!
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Re: 3 weeks down

Postby explorthis » February 24th, 2004, 7:36 am

TamiL wrote:THIS TIME IS DIFFERENT!! I have not weighed myself, however, I have been measuring my loss by a Pair of Green Pants

this makes me mad at the fact that these pants fit me just 3 years ago..and actually used to hang off me but this morning I HAD HOPE..I saw myself wearing them again

and over time...they will begin to fit, and with every dress rehersal...my smile will become bigger..and Ill be one step closer to where I want to be

Tami.. I think this is a great way to guage your loss. Instead of standing on the scale daily. Some (me included) are "slave-2-the-read-out" on the scale. This is fine for some, and for others it is not. I think you need to keep the pants in plain sight at all times. YOU said it yourself - "I HAD HOPE" Whatever context you said this in, you can - CAN have hope again. These pants WILL fit you no matter your thoughts. YOU need to continue to be able to wear these green pants, then have them "hanging" off of you like before. This is what it's all about (No naysayers here about clothing being not the reason we are losing weight - maybe health for you - this post is for GREEN PANTS)

Tami, I know these pants will become lose on you as you keep faithful. As I was losing more and more, my old 50's and 48's became unwearable. I did go shopping. I HATE clothes shopping, loathe the thought (in the past) of having to find fat clothes for me. I bought 2 pair of 44" waist Cords. BAGGY seat/leg cords, though in the waist, they were snug. Snug enough to NOT have my shirt tucked in yet. I was able to wear them with a pull over (not tucked in) and they fit. Comments came - I was losing weight - and it showed. Well, now I still have the cords, but I cannot wear them anymore. They fall off now. I cannot wear them, even with a belt. Bummer, they are still almost new. Thank god for Mervyn's and $15 cords.

My point is - if it happens to me, it WILL happen to you. Keep these pants close, close to your heart (close to your waist) and keep pushing, keep faithful. Sticking with this like no other program will cause these pants to either fit, or not fit BECAUSE THEY ARE TOO BIG!!

YOU can do it.

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Postby elle4nelly » February 24th, 2004, 8:11 am

Hi Tami!

Your dream will come true! Keep at it! You know? You've inspired me to pull a favorite item from my closet , one of those ghost items from my skinny days and do the same! When I started (Tomorrow will be week 5), I got obsess with the numbers on the scale even though I knew what was going on physiologically and biologically with my body. Now that I'm in the zone ( that's week 5 through 10 for me) were in the past I have given up and lost the war against my body resistance to dieting, I feel confident this time I will win this battle of the buldge. I have no intention to QUIT! This body will submitt into losing weight and that's it! I am going to follow suite with you! Tonight, I will pull something I really like and work my way into it and like Mike said, they may even end up being too big!!!!!!!!
And Jeanette? I am with you! I had to reach the point of no return in order to embark in what will be known as my last diet ever!!!
I'm on a one way ticket outta here and this Choochoo train ain't stopping in Burger-Ville, Sabotage-Town and NO it ain't heading to Quit-Ville USA!
Like I said many times before, Tell The Fat-ville police to call off the search team for me!! This is a one way train .

And I couldn't have picked better and lovelier people than ALL OF YOU to ride this train to my dream.

You're simply the best!

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Postby ErikaEastwood » February 24th, 2004, 8:46 am

Im so proud of you!!!! I bet it felt wonderful to get into those jeans again---I been pulling clothes out towards the front of my closet and I tried some dresses on, they fit good uptop but my hips still look funny in them..LOL I know your gonna reach your goal, we all are!!!!!!!!!!
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Postby Indigo » February 24th, 2004, 10:33 am

I had to laugh when I read about your green pants. I do that too . . . . first it's getting them past my knees, then up to my hips, then OVER my hips, then painfully zipped (as in 'don't even try to bend over') but when they finally fit right, WOW! what a rush!!! Better than those little scale numbers!! Getting in to thinner clothes is something REAL!!

Thanks for your post- It gave me a smile :D
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Postby Nebbie » February 24th, 2004, 1:03 pm

I had to laugh too! I'm starting week 7 and have dropped about 32 lbs. so far. I had to load all my "original" jeans up and take them to Goodwill this week. The problem was not necessarily the waist, it was the length!

For some reason my jeans kept getting shorter? Maybe I'm just drying them too long? LOL.

Pull 'em up and keep shakin'!

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Postby susan » February 24th, 2004, 4:09 pm

I have my beautiful size9 dress waiting for me I took it to the cleaners and now I can look at it and one of these days I will fit in it again.
I am happy for you I know you will susceed.
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Postby TamiL » February 25th, 2004, 6:50 am

Hey Guys...I just got off shift and read all your posts...its so funny, cuz I live alone..and spend way too much time alone (my prince charming hasnt found me here yet!! :) so when I get off a shift..especially a hectic one..I RUSH HOME AS IF THE MAN OF MY DREAMS IS WAITING FOR ME!!! (someday) to get on my computer...to get to this forum..to remind myself that I am not alone in this....

and I read all your posts...and I sit here and smile!!! Im glad my "green Pants" post inspired some of you to pull out some of your own "goal" clothes!! (Mike...too bad you didnt live closer..Im a hell of a seamstress..I could take all your clothes in for you!!! :-P )

Nelly...wow...what a visit you had with your Doc...GOOD FOR YOU FOR SPEAKING YOUR MIND!! someone who hasnt walked in our shoes cant possibly understand what It feels like to be overweight..what the isolation and low self esteem does to us...the important thing is that we all stick together..and encourage each other..and KNOW that this is the END OF THE STRUGGLE..once we see our clothes fitting again...and our DREAMS coming true...we will be FREE!!

I truly am greatful for all of you...what a comfort it is to come home to all of you!! ;)

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