Weekend transgression..Food Confessional...

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Weekend transgression..Food Confessional...

Postby msmac0905 » January 10th, 2005, 10:38 am

Ok, here I am, yesterday was Sunday, MF day 7 and I blew it. :x I ate some Cheetos, ok a lot of Cheetos and a slice of turkey lunch meat. :oops: I am torn now. I want so bad to loose 20 or 25 pounds in a hurry, but I don't know if I can finish my one month stater kit, let alone 6 - 8 weeks. I also have discovered that I don't like the Chicken and Wild rice soup. I am back on plan today as weekdays are not my problem. I felt so guilty I rose at the break of dawn and did about 25 minutes of Dance Dance Revolution (seriously it is a workout!!) I feel like I am at a MF crossroad. Any tips, help, encouragements? Right now I am fearing the wrath of Guido!! :?

I am afraid to weigh. I am still awaiting the arrival of my new digital scale won from Ebay. Did my food sin wipe out anything already lost? Is there a chance that I still lost on days 1 - 6? I will weigh today or tomorrow.
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Postby RavenKat2 » January 10th, 2005, 10:47 am

Cheetos is not a cross road - unless you let them be! Msmac, if you want this - do it. So you ate cheetos. You obviously regret it. Throw the cheetos bag out and put your medifast on the counter.

And you don't like the soup - don't eat it! Trade with someone online for something you DO like.

You need to think about what you want. How much weight did you lose in 6 days? What set you off to eat the cheetos? If you can identify what it was - boredom? anger? hunger? Then you can react accordingly. I'm assuming you don't just want to lose weight fast but lose it forever.

Everybody has bad days. But make it a "Bad Meal" instead of another failed diet. Six days straight is a great start! Just do it again. You know you can.

Hope today is going well,
Hang in there!


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Postby hawaiiwhatnot » January 10th, 2005, 12:57 pm

My favorite quote and words to keep in mind while I was on the weight loss phase was:

"Before I start to do anything, I ask myself two questions: What is my goal, and will what I'm about to do bring me closer to my goal or farther away." Albert Einstein

Back away from the cheetos and all other enemy foods. Evacuate all enemy foods from your house if that's possible considering the others you reside with. When you want to cheat, make yourself fix and consume a cup or two of broth or a couple of pickles, a few glasses of crystal light or diet soda first.

Drink water of 100oz or more a day. That'll help flush out the extra poundage you may have gained. I wouldn't weigh if I were you. Just get back on track. Vent your cravings and why you want to cheat here first before you act on them. Vow to not cheat until you get a reply.

Hope this helps. You can and will do it. Just keep trying!

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Postby Triskets » January 11th, 2005, 7:31 pm

msmac -


You want to "get rid" of the excess weight and so does everyone else in the weight loss phase. That's why we come to this wonderful and inspiring website. Like Mike (Explorethis) says just "GET IT DONE"!

I have that saying in large bold print hanging all over my house with my fat pictures attached to it. You know what? IT WORKS!

Try something like that - find your own mantra, put pictures up of what you want to look like and/or what you do look like. Buy something that is the size you want to be and hang it in a prominent place or if you have something you want to get back into, hang it up!

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Postby MamaD » January 11th, 2005, 7:57 pm

Hey msMac...
I didn't like the chicken and wild rice the first time I tried it...but after reading what Mama Nancy said.... you have to cook it in a pot and let it sit so that it taste like real soup. I also add extra water and a chicken cube....you have to let it sit....period. I put a ton of pepper in it too and I really do like it.

Don't quit... don't allow a few cheetos to steal your success~!!! Sounds like you were kicking some medifast bootie...just do it!!! I agree with the water drinking.... I guzzle and tinkle all day!~!~!

Hang in there....keep going....
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Postby msmac0905 » January 12th, 2005, 11:45 am

THANKS SO MUCH for all the wonderful support. It means so much.I have been back on plan since the "food sin" was committed. I did get up the nerve to get on my new scale and I was pleasantly surprised even w/my trangression (I'm keeping it to myself this time :secret:, I'll weigh in post my results on Sunday! :oops: ). So onward and upward for me. I can't tell you how much your posts have helped. I'm not going to quit and I will try the Chicken and Wild Rice soup again w/the advice given in the previous posts!!! Happy Shakin!! :byebye:
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Postby RareBear » January 12th, 2005, 5:49 pm

What fantastic responses!!! Ditto, Ditto, Ditto!!!
Learn from the experience, Hang in there, and Start shakin!
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Postby raederle » January 12th, 2005, 9:54 pm


I'm so glad you made it over the speedbump and are right back on the wagon!!! I think the hardest part (for me, anyway) was getting over that one-week hump-- After slurping for 7 days I finally realized how difficult it would be to so drastically change my eating habits, and wondered if I shouldn't just try to eat less and exercise... (Sounds easy, right??? :no: )

Then I remembered: Oh, right- I've been trying that schtick for 2 years and it's gotten me NOWHERE!!! I know it's a cliche, but hey, I figure if it took me a while to gain these pounds, it's gonna take me more than 3 days to lose it. So we must be patient and take comfort in the fact that Medifast will certainly get this flabbage off us faster than anything else, so we can start enjoying our new bods and new lives that much sooner...

I try to remember a great little blurb I read in the "Success in a Shaker Jar" book-- the author says hey, you can have anything you want *after* you reach your goal. Those Cheetos will still be there when you reach goal, and they will still taste the same! So when cravings hit, I tell myself I'll have that in a few weeks/months/whatever. It seems to help.

Anyway, congrats on keeping with it! You are strong!!! :weightlift:


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Postby Nancy » January 13th, 2005, 7:39 pm

msmac ~

Whew! So happy that you got back on the Mediwagon, Kid! The best of the Forum Family came to your rescue and filled your tank - thanks, Everybody!

Search and destroy (by flushing, grinding in the food disposal, taking to a grocery store next to the entrance door garbage can, to the neighbor's, in the dog's dish, etc!) all hidden forbidden foods - just when you think you're safe, they crawl out and entice ya!

You CAN do it, if you WILL do it.
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Postby MamaD » January 15th, 2005, 5:17 am

Ok MsMac
Here it is the weekend again...I hope that you have cleansed your kitchen of the dreaded cheetos!!! Remember it is like Nancy said somewhere else, they are not on the "soon to be banned" list. WE need to post our pinkies in the air and place our right hand on the picture of the skinny leopard woman, (who by the way is my roll model and personal goddess of all things thin)...and take the MF oath to keep our eye on the prize.

I have a couple of food challenges this weekend. I have a couples shower to go to today from the sounds of the invitation it is a catered affair. I am seriously thinking about sending my gift and best wishes. I really don't know that I am up to it now...maybe in a couple of weeks I could do it. I am not a big party girl anyway, so I really don't feel like I am depriving myself.

Think that I will clean all morning and sew all afternoon, and that should keep me from thinking too much about that-which-shall-not-be-named.
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Postby mindovermatter » January 15th, 2005, 5:27 am

Have a shake before you go and when you get there just keep drinking water with lemon or I like just plain soda (selser) and lime.

You can do it.

I went out with friends last night for the first time since beginning and managed to stay on plan. No alcohol and for dinner I had grilled salmon and steamed veggies. It was very satisfying. And more importantly, I felt proud of myself when I got home because I didn't cave in. Every successful social encounter gives me more self confidence.


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Postby Nancy » January 15th, 2005, 5:37 am

MamaD ~

Good for you to check up on msmac! and also for you to be thinking ahead and making your own plan. People who plan ahead are better prepared and are less likely to have a scarf-out.

There are times that it is best to avoid a social engagement. While it is true that we must learn how to gracefully turn our head when we pass by certain sections of the buffet table or emphatically decline to accept something thrust on our plates or merely acept the no-no and then push it aside and allow it to remain on the china, there just are times that we know ourselves best and total abstinance from the party is best.

You indicate that you won't feel like you are depriving yourself and that is a key for remaining program-compliant for the time you'll be at home.

I've had clients decline invitations then feel so :x rotten, angry and cheesed that they cleaned out their cupboards and called the Pizza Dude for consolation. :mrgreen:
place our right hand on the picture of the skinny leopard woman, (who by the way is my roll model and personal goddess of all things thin

MamaD ~ YOU have filled my tank! What a smile-bringer! :lol:
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Postby Nancy » January 15th, 2005, 5:40 am

Dear Mind ~

Yes, it IS empowering to have such a good feeling of accomplishment and it is easier the next time to come a winner again! You rock! :kool:
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Postby mindovermatter » January 15th, 2005, 5:43 am

Thanks Nancy.

You are up way to early this morning. Still off schedule from the Vegas trip?

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Postby Nancy » January 15th, 2005, 2:08 pm

Sheesh! There are NO secrets around here.

You are up way to early this morning

Uh, actually, yes I was up but it wasn't that I was up early...

I hadn't gone to bed yet. I've been up until 4 AM and then can't haul my leopardy buns outta bed until 10 or so...the boys are gonna start conking me over the head by 11 PM and then drag my sorry bones out by 7 AM....

I have a lot of email, I try to read and then have been working on my Newsletter...such is the life of a Leopard Woman who loves helping people.
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