I went to visit friends this weekend...thought I would be really strong and stick to the plan...WRONG!! The weekend was day 4 and 5. I ask myself...how could I go off plan so early in the game. Answer: I think fear of success! Sounds so goofy when I type it out, but I think in my mind there is some pay off to carrying the extra weight. I am still trying to figure it out, but over all I seem to use it for many excuses. That is the bad news.
The good news is I felt like crap(body wise) after eating like I did and learned a good lesson. After 3 days on program the bloating feeling was diminishing and I was feeling lighter....now after the weekend bloating is back!! So, I think I have some new motivation!!!! I am so not trying to kick myself and give up, but learn from the weekend and move forward!!
I just can't believe I did this to myself so early on in the program .
Hope everyone had a BETTER weekend weight wise!!