Weekend Lesson

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Weekend Lesson

Postby Vickilh » October 4th, 2004, 7:18 am

I went to visit friends this weekend...thought I would be really strong and stick to the plan...WRONG!! The weekend was day 4 and 5. I ask myself...how could I go off plan so early in the game. Answer: I think fear of success! Sounds so goofy when I type it out, but I think in my mind there is some pay off to carrying the extra weight. I am still trying to figure it out, but over all I seem to use it for many excuses. That is the bad news.

The good news is I felt like crap(body wise) after eating like I did and learned a good lesson. After 3 days on program the bloating feeling was diminishing and I was feeling lighter....now after the weekend bloating is back!! So, I think I have some new motivation!!!! I am so not trying to kick myself and give up, but learn from the weekend and move forward!!

I just can't believe I did this to myself so early on in the program :roll: .
Hope everyone had a BETTER weekend weight wise!!

1st goal - 150
end goal - 136
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Postby explorthis » October 4th, 2004, 7:35 am

Answer: I think fear of success!

Vicki, I don’t think it was fear of success (IMHO) I think from experience, it is a non commit to the program. This is common for weight loss. Try and figure out how many diets/programs you have been on since being overweight and how many you have successfully committed to longer than 3 days. Answer is probably not many. This is not a bad thing; however, this program is SO different than ones you have done in the past. Food is a SOCIAL issue, we have all figured this one out, and you will also. All of your committed promises are easily tossed out the window, soon as the friendship rope pulls you in the fold.

It takes commitment, something that will come with a little patience, and determination. Good news is you realized how you felt after the fact, hopefully more mentally than physically.

The food and friends will ALL be there once you have reached your goal, I promise. I was fearful during my 4 months on Medifast that everything was going away, and it was not fair. Hey, everyone else was eating, how come I can’t? It will happen, you will realize as you lose weight, and see your friends eat and party, that it is all still there.

Make today your new start. Give the program time to work. 3 days is a short time, but the ketosis factor did have time to set in. Begin now, again, and make a strong-firm resolve to stick with it, and not deviate. I promise you will be glad. It works, with just a little determination.

Was 337/223 is goal (about 40 to go)
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