Week one done...

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Week one done...

Postby LoriO » September 26th, 2005, 10:06 am

I lost 7 pounds. Is this enough? I feel like I need to lose so much, maybe I should have lost more??? I also wonder if it could have been that for 2 days I didn't feel good and was only able to eat 3 packets (I am doing the complete program). I am happy with the 7 but I guess secretly I was hoping for a little more.

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Postby chickbb » September 26th, 2005, 12:22 pm

:lol: WOW LoriO, 7lbs is awesome !!!!! Do you know that is the equiv. of 28 Sticks of butter off your body??? How heavy does 7 lbs feel as you carry it along for awhile? That is a Wonderful start !!!!! That would keep me real motivated!!! :cheermed: You are going to do Great !!!! OOOOH, you really must eat all the packets to lose the most amount of weight!!! I find that if I miss just one, the scale won't move for me. Way to go....Sara
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Postby jentuke » September 27th, 2005, 9:10 am

I think we all hope for more. However, 7lbs is AWESOME! Don't get discouraged. You won't believe how quickly those pounds add up -- a few here, a few there, you'll be done in no time. 7lbs is a great place to start! We all lose weight differently, and I for one, lose very slowly. I'm on my 8th week now and I've had to come to terms with how I lose weight. Sloooowly. That is ok, because I'm losing (had I not started mf, I'd be much heavier right now). Eventually, we'll get to our goal and be glad we had faith and didn't stray. Remember, any loss is progress and even when the scales don't seem to budge, you are probably losing inches. It will come off one way or another.

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Postby martha » September 27th, 2005, 8:29 pm


WOW 7# is AWESOME!!! keep up the good work and you will be at goal before you know it.. all of us lose at different speeds .. you will do fine on MF..keep your chin up. :D .it gets better with each passing day..Martha
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