Going through a similar thing, Sheri- I lost 5 (!) pounds the first day, 1.5 the second day, .5 the third day, then nothing. nada. for the rest of the first week.
I've been a very good girl. Right on program, 3 quarts of water, that delightful keto-breath, everything.
I'm thinking it's my body transitioning, and that I'll see it come off suddenly, when things are 'sorted out'
Like everyone says, 'you can't NOT lose weight!'
It might be easier if I could weigh just once a week- it would all average out, but I just can't do that. I'm obsessed with the scale for now, and am trying to keep it down to one visit a day!
Like I said, we can't NOT lose weight, but it will be a relief when we get through this 'transitioning' time, and into a more consistent, steady weight loss pattern.