week 5 wt. loss

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week 5 wt. loss

Postby susan » November 23rd, 2003, 4:06 pm

Hi everone. I worked all day yesterday so just now posting my wt. loss for sat. morn I lost 2# this week thats a total of 25# I am :D about that wish it was more but I will take what ever at least it is a lost .susan
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Postby Nancy » November 24th, 2003, 1:40 pm

Susan, good for you!

25 pounds lighter is great - that's a five pound per week average. Gosh, I used to easily put on five pounds over the weekend before Medifast!

Some weeks we have greater weight losses than others but this works safely and quickly. Faster than anything I have ever used before. Feeling great, too, aren'tcha?

Keep on shakin and slurpin'. :water:
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
The Formerly FLABulous and Now very Fabulous
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Postby susan » November 24th, 2003, 6:12 pm

Nancy,I feel so good about myself since i have started losing wt. I had give up hope of being slim again but not any more I know I can do it now I love this program ,susan :D susan
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Postby Lois » November 24th, 2003, 6:58 pm

GREAT JOB, Susan 8) 8) 8)

Keep up the excellent work!


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Postby Ellen » November 25th, 2003, 9:51 am

You are doing wonderfully! You'll be there before you know it!
Keep up that great work! :lol:

Have a great shaking week,
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Postby Nancy » November 26th, 2003, 11:03 pm

Hey, Girlfriend ~

Feelin' Fine (er...FABULOUS!!) is just as important as being lighter! I am so proud of you. Just think! You have released 100 cubes of butter. :wave: already.

Two and a half bags of flour or sugar are off of your bod. :thumbup:

A load of bricks is off your back! (and your thighs!!!) :bricks:

Nothing tastes as good as thin feels!!! :tongue:
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
The Formerly FLABulous and Now very Fabulous
Nancy Pettit
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