Week 2 = 3.5 lbs.

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Week 2 = 3.5 lbs.

Postby Alison » April 7th, 2004, 9:29 am

Hi everyone,
Sorry I post my results on Wednesdays instead of Sunday 'cause that's when I started. I am happy w/ my second week. My total is 13 lbs. gone!! Yippee!
I also must add that I got my period yesterday and was surprised- a little early. I am surprised because I usually get very crampy and bloated a few days prior as well as STARVING the whole week before. I chalked my hunger up to just starting MF but if that's the worst of it with being in a pre-period state I'll take it. I had been dreading getting through those few days and I did it with out even realizing it!!
One question not to be gross but I haven't had a #2 if you will in about a week normal or freaky? and how often can I expect to go?? Sorry I know that is a little personal but who else can I ask?? Hee-hee.
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Postby Landylue » April 7th, 2004, 10:58 am

Alison, you are doing great--congratulations!

You know, my doctor told me that some estrogen produced by your body somehow gets stored within body fat. When that fat is burned, it releases that extra estrogen into your system. Your periods just may, indeed, be a bit different than normal while you're on the fast.

Also, I would highly recommend taking a bulk-producing laxative at night. There is a sugar-free, orange-flavored brand that is pretty much like drinking Tang, really not too bad at all.

When I was on my first fast, I actually went to group meetings where we were all mortified the first time that particular subject was brought up, but as the months went by, we were talking about it like it was nothing more than a head cold or a foot cramp.

I believe that this site has a phone number, though, that you can call to talk to a health professional about things like this, or you could ask your doctor. They, of course, would give you much better advice.

Good luck, and keep up the super progress!

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Postby Carrie » April 7th, 2004, 1:44 pm

Hi Alison,
I think most of us have some degree of those problems.... I still go partly nuts at PMS time, but I try and handle it.

For the other, I use the Metamucil tabs. I'm not drinkin' any of that icky orange drink stuff. :shock: I take 2 of them every day and that keeps things pretty comfortable.
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