Week 2 of MF Journey (Diary of FitQueen)

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Week 2 of MF Journey (Diary of FitQueen)

Postby FitQueen » July 2nd, 2005, 1:19 am

Well, I am on week 2 of my MF journey. I am doing much better mentally and physically. I have more energy. The hunger pangs have subsided.

So far I have lost 9 lbs. I was a little disappointed with my weight loss. I thought I would lose 14 lbs in the first week. Then I had a reality check. I had to remind myself that I did not gain this weight overnight and will not lose 101 lbs in a week. I am sure the 4 box bar binge did not help my weight loss effort.

I placed my second order of products on Thursday with Jan. Hi, Jan.

I decided to just enjoy the process. Wisdom (the Holy Bible) tells us to be anxious for nothing.

For me, this journey is not just about weight loss. It is more about self discovery and learning to live with quality in every area of my life.
Ruth aka FitQueen

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Postby MomsTherapy » July 2nd, 2005, 6:00 am

I think you are doing great. Who cares about the bar binge. I had to stop myself from digging my finger in the peanut butter jar. But I am so glad I did! You are sticking with the plan and that is what counts. 9lbs is great! I am only on my second day (headaches and dreams of MF kept me up all night) 9lbs! You motivate me!!!

Just think of losing another 5lbs this week! Use that as your motivation. You slipped up last week and STILL lost 9lbs. Wow! Think about Christmas time this year - not the food, the SKINNY new you! All your family and friends amazed by what you have accomplished. Visialize how great you will feel during that time and work for it.

IM PROUD OF YOU!!! :bighug:
Leah (Lee-uh):D aka MomsTherapy

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Re: Week 2 of MF Journey (Diary of FitQueen)

Postby dlr2424 » July 2nd, 2005, 7:30 am

FitQueen wrote:For me, this journey is not just about weight loss. It is more about self discovery and learning to live with quality in every area of my life.

We need this quote as a daily reminder..... :yes: ....and I agree....... :mrgreen: .......ENJOY THE JOURNEY...... :hmmm: .....not only the weight loss but the self discovery as well............it's a process and a healing ...and we know they both take time..............so ....... :whistle: ........relax...... :puter: ....soak up as much support and growth as possible.......and before you know it not only will your physical appearence be changing your life will be as well....... :yay: ........

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Postby Sablebaby » July 2nd, 2005, 10:58 am


I could have written your post. I lost "only 9lbs" the first week and thought I would have lost more. I am banned from the scale! I was weighing myself a little too often and it got me down. I lost 7 after the first 2 days and then another one the next and then nothing for several days and then one more day 7. No more weighing!! :x I feel great and know I'm losing weight. It doesn't matter what the scale says at this point. Geesh I may wait and weigh monthly at this rate. :shock:

I did have a couple of rough days this week. It was day 8, 9, and I think 10. I was tired of eating MF. I was just plain tired of everything. :x But I continued on. I kept thinking that I read a few people's posts that stated they had difficult 2nd weeks. That's what kept me holding on. They said after the tough 2nd week they felt great with no cravings. Well, yesterday was awesome. I forgot to eat a few times (but quickly ate when I realized this) and was around other food and it didn't bother me one bit. :D

So, if you find yourself having a rough time this week, just remember it will pass and keep hanging on. :hi5:
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Postby FitQueen » July 3rd, 2005, 5:34 am

Thank you, Leah, Donna and Heather:

Congrats on your weight loss. I am encourage reviewing all of your tickers.

Your encouragement helps me through the process of change.

I love when you share your experiences because it lets me know that I am normal.

I would sometimes weigh myself 4 times a day. Isn't that insane?

Weeks 2/3 is going to be hard because I will be on vacation this week attending my family reunion in another State. I need to learn how to handle my eating during this period.

I will keep you posted.

Once again, thank you so much of your support.
Ruth aka FitQueen

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Postby dlr2424 » July 3rd, 2005, 5:47 am

Ruth..... :secret: .....trust me............YOU ARE NORMAL!!!!!!..we all have done those wacky things......... :yes: .......but what I'm learning is...... :hmmm: ......maybe we no longer want to be NORMAL.........I think we are all striving to stretch our minds to be more than average....... :mrgreen: ..........because it is many of those "normal" things that have brought us to this point...... :huh: .....so even though normal may be okay..........a notch above will be worth striving for...... :bouncie: ......
Now as far as week 2/3 for you.......if at all possible bring along the books "Shaker in a Jar" & "Life is Hard Food is Easy".......it will help you.... :coach: ....and PREPARE.........if you are prepared there is a greater chance you will be successful...... :yes: .......try to change the focus of enjoying the food ...to enjoying seeing all the people........ :D .......after all that is the reason for a family reunion...... :stroll: .....to reunite with family..... :no: ....not reunite with food...... :goodluck: .....so my best to you..........and continue enjoying the journey.................. :bighug:

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Postby FitQueen » July 3rd, 2005, 7:01 am

dlr2424 wrote:Now as far as week 2/3 for you.......if at all possible bring along the books "Shaker in a Jar" & "Life is Hard Food is Easy


I think I purchased the Life is Hard Food is Easy book on Friday with my second order. I hope I get it on Wednesday before I leave for my 10-hour road trip. In the meantime, I am planning my meals. I have to purchase some bouillons (I think that is how to spell it) and celery. I will review some of the posts regarding this matter to help me plan.

You are right. It is time out for being normal. I did not mean that it is ok to be normal. At times, it is good to know that someone has continued the journey despite having “normal” moments. It lets me know that it is possible to experience a “normal” moment and successful continue the race. Having a “normal” moment does not have to prevent you from achieving your weight loss goals. In nutshell, you can recover from being normal.

All I know is that I want to live with quality. I want to use all my God-given gifts to their maximum abilities.

Thanks for the post.
Ruth aka FitQueen

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Postby dlr2424 » July 3rd, 2005, 8:03 am

FitQueen wrote:All I know is that I want to live with quality. I want to use all my God-given gifts to their maximum abilities.

Ruth.... :hug: ......you are well on your way to doing just that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.............. :yourock: ............take each day or each hour one at a time..... :rose: ........this journey is life changing and will take the rest of ours lives one day at a time to change our stinkin thinkin that we have been nuturing way to long....... :huh: .........it's hard reprograming our minds.......I believe you can do this and will keep you in my prayers for your vacation........ :angel: .....

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Great Posts

Postby Jan » July 3rd, 2005, 8:27 am

My goodness ladies, these posts are wonderful. I think you are a trully a great bunch!! I know each of you will reach your goal if you haven't already. Thanks so much for the encouraging words and the honesty. You probably know that there are many that read read read but don't contribute (that's ok) They are looking for encouragement and confirmation that the program works. You provide it for them. Plus, with your honesty they know that these litttle bumps happen and we all make it thru them. Have a great 4trh -- don't let the foodies get ya and Ruth with your great attitude you'll do fine with your family -- keep your goal in mind and realize we are looking to the future not concentrating on the present -- eating all the goodies only gratifies us for a moment -- until we feel guilty-- we want to reach for tomorrow and a new life filled with optimum health for us and our families
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Postby Alisha » July 3rd, 2005, 9:34 am

Ruth, I am so proud of what you've accomplished! 9lbs is fantastic! Keep those thoughts positive - the scale is moving in the right direction and that's what 's important. We're all in the same canoe right along with you and we feel your pain, your frustrations and celebrate your successes right along with you. :hug:

Just remember - you're only human. A wise person once said, "To err is human, to forgive is devine". Well that includes forgiving yourself too! :heart:

So start off each day by patting yourself on the back because you're worth it!! We ALL are!! :cheerleader:

Love and hugs

~Alisha :rose:
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Postby martha » July 3rd, 2005, 6:03 pm


Congratulations!!-- You are doing great!!!! 9# is great for the first week.. I know what you mean though because I was thinking I would lose more on my vacation BUT am sooo glad to have lost at all. you will do great and the weight will be gone before you know it.. :D --Martha
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Postby mytime » July 3rd, 2005, 7:34 pm

Ruth - congratulations on two weeks - and nine pounds :) !!! You have made such progress. Thank you for your posts and sharing your struggle - for so many of us our struggle is the same. I look forward to sharing the process with you and your continued success. Mytime
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Postby FitQueen » July 4th, 2005, 5:23 am

Jan, Alisha, Martha & Mytime:

Thank you for your responses and encouragement.

It makes me feel special and supported when someone takes the time to read and respond to my posts.

As you know, this week will be a big test for me because I am a newbie that has a lot to learn about how to handle MF while on vacation.

I cannot believe how obsess we are about food. Social activity and food almost go hand-and-hand like water and wet.

I am the chairperson for our family reunion and this was my first time planning a family reunion. The committee consisted of me, my aunt and my mother. Need I say more?

Once I get passed this week, a lot of pressure will be removed. I am definitely learning not to eat about it.

Once again, thank you all for your posts.
Ruth aka FitQueen

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Postby suzyq » July 4th, 2005, 7:15 am

Wow Ruth - 9 lbs is excellent! I know that it is frustrating to not have the weight come off as quickly as we think it should :x (but that is pretty fast in my opinion!) but I try to focus on the fact that I feel SO much better since starting MF. Family functions and parties are managable - just try not to let yourself get hungry and have your shake BEFORE all the food is served. Have your pickles, celery and boullion handy - as well as lots of water and other favorite (calorie-free!) drinks. Try making the oatmeal cookies to snack on when everyone is having dessert - or have your favorite bar. You can do this - and you will feel so much better for making it through! :yes:

Enjoy your reunion and trip!

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