Thanks everyone. I agree, it is not easy choosing not to weigh myself. Just today I was speaking to GinaBobina about how tempting it is to rush out and get a scale so I know. But honestly, the last time I tried to medifast the scale became my enemy. I became so focused on what the numbers did or did not tell me that I ended up sabotaging myself right back to my old ways.
Being scale free is honestly empowering and truly freeing of some of the stigma associated with attempting to shed those unwanted pounds. I know medifast works and I know that just so long as I work the program, the program will work for me. I dont have any opportunity for negative self recrimination or a failing mentality. All of the ups and downs are taken away from me, by my choice, as this is what works for me.
I truly look forward to finding out what happens in three months when I do step on a scale, its kind of like looking forward to Christmas except in this case it is looking forward to bathing suit season. Trust me when I tell you that bathing suit season lasts a lo-o-ong time when you live in Florida.
I made the choice that this time I was going to get this done. No more looking backwards wishing I would have stuck to it or lamenting how far I have to go. The only one in control of my weightloss is me, so it is time to get it done!
This is my way, and it works for me, even when the urge is there.
Wishing everyone the very best this week and in all the medifasting weeks to come.