week 1, day 1, hour 1

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week 1, day 1, hour 1

Postby Guest » December 15th, 2003, 9:40 am

had my first shake a few hours ago. I am 5'10'', 225lbs and have about 50 or 60 lbs to lose.

the plan says to space shakes out 3 or 4 hours. So would this schedule work (i wandered mostly about the 10pm shake, before I go to bed. Isn't that too late?)

7am, 10am, 1pm, 4pm, 7pm, 10pm (every 3 hours)

look forward to getting through my first week! i tried this once before and failed miserably. i am ready to control myself this time...
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Re: week 1, day 1, hour 1

Postby explorthis » December 15th, 2003, 12:56 pm

smpclient wrote:had my first shake a few hours ago.
the plan says to space shakes out 3 or 4 hours.

7am, 10am, 1pm, 4pm, 7pm, 10pm (every 3 hours)

I tried this once before and failed miserably. i am ready to control myself this time...

SMP. Congrats on the decision. It works trust me!

A few pointers... Don't be a scale watcher. Oddly enough when you watch the scale, the weight seems to come off slower (fact - just ask any of the posters here) Choose (I hate disappointment) like once a week, or every 2 weeks. I chose/choose not to set any goals. My choice. Some choose mini goals, some regular total goals. I just want the weight off, regardless of the small or large goals. Consuming 500-600 calories (shakes) of mostly protein, you have no choice but to loose the weight.

Drink the WATER/FLUID You need it. Lacking fluid will cause you to loose slower.

Be prepared to be the "pee" guy many, many, many times... Order your own Urinal, you will need it. (that was a joke)

Get some Bouillon cubes - you need the additional sodium (2 cups a day) I take mine every night at dinner time w/ the Family - it’s actually like a treat for me.

As for your times, program guidelines want you to have at least your 3rd shake by 2:00. Mine are 7:00/10:00/2:00/6:00 and sometimes I have to force myself between 8-9:00pm the 5th. I think as you get acclimated to the schedule, and the shakes, and the ketonic rate, you will find 6 shakes to be a bit hard to drink, maybe not. You will actually NOT be hungry (still hard for me to say this) I never count my 8oz. shakes as part of my 64min oz. of Water/liquid.

Be faithful to yourself, if you cheat, or slip, your only cheating yourself, no one else... The program works, I am a result, and trust me when I say, if it works for me, it WILL work for you!!!

Additionally, remember, you did not become overweight overnight. The weight will not mysteriously fall off overnight, but you will loose FAST if you are true to the program. The first few (3-4) days are the hardest, as your body becomes acclimated to Medifast. After those 3-4 days pass, it’s all "downhill" after that!!! It actually becomes pretty darn easy to watch the weight fall off.... Once the weight loss comments from family/peers/co-workers start coming in, it really inflates your weight loss ego, trust me on this part!!

Again, congrats on your decision to loose with us!!

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