Mom, that is not an el-stoo-pee-doh question!
There are no dumb questions...
If you are going to do gentle walking for a short period of time, I would have the shake prior to the walk and then wait for a while before you have the bar or another Medifast product.
As time goes by and your weight is lower and you can safely do more intense exercise without hurting your joints, then you would have the shake and follow up with the bar within an hour or so.
I ride a bike for 15 miles, walk very briskly on the treadmill for 30 minutes and after I shower, I have a bar or another shake.
We have a few people on the Forum that do very intense workouts - They must be super people and I don't know how they can do what they do because when I weighed 265, just walking to the bathroom many times a day was a pretty big deal to me!
Your body will tell you what you need. If you feel weak, or out of gas after a workout, then have the bar or a shake right away. You may even want to have a cup of Medifast Fast Soup or a cup of bouillon to replenish your salts.
If you get hungry at all, you may have another shake and it will not slow your weight loss. I know that you have joined us recently and in the early stages of Medifasting, sometimes people experience hunger - so just mix up another shake and slurp it down. If you ended up having five shakes and two servings of soup, you would still be in the fat-burning stage.
Be sure to keep your water intake up!