Wednesday Sept. 7th, 2005 The Latest Martha Report

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Wednesday Sept. 7th, 2005 The Latest Martha Report

Postby Nancy » September 7th, 2005, 1:56 pm

Dear MakeMeThinner Family ~

I just got off the phone from talking with Martha! :boing:

Here’s the latest.

She and her family have moved back to their home after staying at her son’s home since the hurricane struck.

Their home sustained minimal damage from a tree that fell on the edge of the roof.

Their home is a double-wide manufactured home located on their three acre tree-laden property.

Martha’s husband Doug, her son and grandson are using chain saws to cut up the fallen trees and to move them. :weightlift:

Her 8 year old grandson is ‘working like a man’ cutting trees and dragging limbs and stacking them from sun up to sundown. :bravo:

Some of the oak trees were uprooted and blown over; others (the pines) snapped off and blew down like toothpicks. They will need to be cut down. Many of the trees twisted and fell upon one another. For the first time since they’ve lived on their property, sunlight now dances on their home since the trees are down.

There is a current ban on burning so they are just stacking the wood as they are able.

They have a number of vehicles on their property – ATV, a motor home, cars. Some sustained damage due to the trees lying across them.

Two doors down from them, a neighbor’s stove caught fire last night and people in the area were worried the fire would spread and take out others. It was put out.

Martha’s sister, her niece and baby are staying with them.

Altogether Martha is the chief cook, bottle washer and laundress for 16 people.

Her Mama is the General and :whip: giving orders…pray that her Mama is subdued and mellows out (this is my request, not Martha’s…if the Lord could close the mouths of lions and prevent them from eating Daniel while he was in the lions’ den, surely He can close her Mama’s mouth long enough for Martha to have a few moments of peace and quiet and to get some rest…)

She said her kids and family have always teased her about keeping her pantry full of food and now they are thankful that she has done so. She said her kitchen pantry is full of food, she has extra canned food under the bed and they had two freezers full of food. They lost one freezer full of food. She said she kept bags of prepared chopped celery, bell pepper, etc. in the freezer and since some thawed while she was at her son’s, it is not safe. As we spoke she was pounding round steak and preparing it for Swiss steak and smashed potatoes for supper.

There is no telephone service for landlines and the cell phone service cuts in and out; they have trouble getting calls to ring through at times.

Hopefully Martha will be online by Sunday or Monday. It depends upon how quickly and efficiently the service is restored.

Power and water was restored last evening at sundown. A man came out last evening and worked on their well, establishing the water flow last night. Their water supply is from a well but they are taking precautions and not yet drinking it, following the orders to boil, as it may be contaminated.

I may not have this part exactly right but I believe she said the water was not at full speed and it went off for a while. They were not flushing the toidy every time and kept the lid down and added a dash of Pine Sol…

Doug was able to get some ice and water from the city emergency resources – they are giving out four 12 packs of canned water. MREs are being given to the people who have no food.

The bank is open.

Wally World (Wal-Mart) is open until 5 PM and they can get very limited items there. No eggs or meat, etc. Doug bought some milk.

There are still curfews in place.

Her son-in-law works for MEMA – sort of a Mississippi area FEMA. He told her that there are many more deaths than are being reported. The morgues are full. There are more than 800 people dead in Biloxi.

They are getting the newspaper now and mail service began today.

Typically they get a lot of mail and her mailbox just had a few pieces today but at least they are receiving mail now. Some of their mail comes out of Jackson and I cannot recall the other hub or source but the point is, the mail that was in transit or sent prior to the hurricane may never be located.

Doug returns to work on the tug on the 14th of September. Tomorrow is his 45th birthday.

:candle: Happy Birthday, Doug. We love you, Man! :candle:

Near the Interstate 110 was a factory that processes pork bellies, chicken and shrimp and the hurricane lifted the ‘stuff’ and dumped it…it is rotting and putrefied…evidently it makes people gaga-mun-do even inside their cars with the windows rolled up….as you get closer to the beach, the stench is horrible. :puke:

Not all of their losses are covered by insurance. They purchased a car just three days before Katrina wiped out the area and the car was not yet insured.

They are thankful that everyone in their family is alive. They feel :angel: blessed that their home is intact and Doug has a job. Martha’s daughter who used to work at the hospital no longer has a job – the hospital is a total loss.

If there are those of you who wish to contribute to Martha’s Medigrub, you can email me and we can talk about how to do this. She prefers Dutch Choc shakes and she has plenty of soup in hand. If there are some who wish to give $, again, send me a PM and I will be sure she gets it.

I hope that I have accurately reported Martha’s story. We await her return and are just so grateful that she is alive and doing so well.

Thank you for praying for Martha, her family, her neighbors and for the survivors who are trying to crawl out from the devastation.

We will never know the extent of the financial, emotional and psychological impact of this hurricane.

You have a tremendous influence in the lives of others – never underestimate the value of your words and the love you show for one another.

Every day, let people know how :hug: much you value them – we never know when our last day will come – be thankful and grateful.

Be generous of your :thumbsup: praise and appreciation of people. :hi5:

The Leopardy One loves you and is so proud of you all :yourock:

Fondly and with a grateful :heart: heart…
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Postby 24KaratGold » September 7th, 2005, 5:26 pm

Not all of their losses are covered by insurance. They purchased a car just three days before Katrina wiped out the area and the car was not yet insured.

:: puts on insurance lawyer hat ::

Not so fast! All might not be lost, depending on the dependings. I assume that they already owned and insured one or more vehicles. She needs to find her policy, then, and determine if she had comprehensive coverage and whether the policy would otherwise cover the loss (don't know if it would have a flood exclusion, or how it is that the car was damaged. If a tree fell on it, a flood exclusion probably wouldn't apply).

Most automobile insurance policies contain a clause that extends coverage to a newly-purchased vehicle for 30 days from the date of purchase, exactly to allow the insured time to add the vehicle to the policy. She needs to check and double-check this, and when she gets back online if she wants me to look at her policy I'll be happy to do so.

:: takes off insurance lawyer hat ::

I'm glad she's okay, even if things are a bit, um, difficult right now.

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Postby Nancy » September 7th, 2005, 5:58 pm

24 K ~

I thought the same my previous young life I was an auto underwriter...they have the bill of sale...astime goes by more things will be learned.

Again, it is hard to report every aspect properly as our conversation was short. When you don't know how long the cell phone will work, if the power will remain on, etc. I wanted to be respectful of Martha's time and needs.
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Postby Ash's mom » September 8th, 2005, 7:53 pm

Thank you Nancy for such a wonderful update on Martha and her family....can't wait to hear from her.


P.S. Thx Nancy for all you inspire me to be a better person and I look to this forum for strength for many other things besides weightloss.....I thank God for leading me to this wonderful site.

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Postby mytime » September 8th, 2005, 8:38 pm

Nancy - A million thanks. I know I miss Martha terribly and I am not the only one. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DOUG !!!!! You are so well written and I enjoy the updates a great deal - so thank you. I am so glad Martha is in her own home. I was looking in people magazine today and just sat and cried. I had avoided the tv as much as I could as it can be so overwhelming. The pictures of other's suffering is enough to take my breathe away. For those who do, please pray for everyone involved and thank you Nancy for the plan with her MF, Mytime
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Postby Mommy2girls » September 9th, 2005, 7:41 pm


Thank you for updating us on Martha. Not a day goes by when I don't think of her and her entire family (and everyone ELSE who was also affected by Katrina...) They are lucky and blessed and my heart still breaks for them!!!

Thank you so much for the update! I really appreciate it!

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Postby martha » September 11th, 2005, 7:56 am

Hi everyone--

Nancy-- what a true blessing you are to all of us.. we are all okay and the well is working but the a/c went out last night.. WE ARE TRUELY BLESSED BY GOD!!! HE IS SO AWESOME!! I also want to thank each and every one of you for your prayers and all. I restart MF today.. Am still cooking up a storm but trying to be kinda good :x Walmart got frozen foods and cold foods(most of them) in yesterday for the 1st time since the storm.. THANKS BE TO GOD!! how we take the small things for granted--ice cream :shock: fast food :shock: milk-gas and even ice.. and especially going to the store :shock:
The gas lines are finally back to normal again :shock: Yes I said normal :D --alot of damage done here and especially on the Gulf Coast--trust me when I say the news and the pictures do not do justice to you seeing the real damage.. so many people lost family as well as everything they had.. WE are truely BLESSED!!!
We have 3 acres and lost about 30 large oak trees and 2 pines.. they are pretty twisted in this yard.. actually little damage as damage goes.. 1 car-1 shed-older travel trailer(didn't use in years) 4 wheeler(minor ) double-wide trailer(minor) single wide we were rebuilding(half the roof) about 500-600.00 in frozen foods(I am a food hog :shock: sorry but true) you just never know :lol: we bought 2 generators and alot of gas(2 runs out of state) the a/c now has to be repaired and the well needed to be repaired.. so as you can see we are BLESSED in so many ways.. we had clean clothes and plenty to eat.. Doug brought bread and 24 gallons of water with him as well as c and d batteries.. we bought 2 generators and alot of gas(out of state) I went to Canton, Ms and got 2 of my grandbabies(daughter sent them away before the storm) and got a ice chest of eggs, milk and cold cuts and bread and things like this..shared with neighbors-- everyone is safe as is my family in N. Orleans and surrounding areas and Mobile areas too.Katrina's affected area is 90,000 square miles-nearly 293,000 homes damaged or destroyed is being reported this morning in the paper..we have postal service again--YEAH!!I have cards ready to send to my list of people but no post service and will get those out tomorrow..
Wiggins got alot of damage.. buildings are gone and houses too but other than that we still have a town :D and are all okay.. no deaths.. kids are jobless for now but okay.. things are looking up at this end.. The Gulf Coast as we once knew it is no more--I will miss it for one..
Yes I can wash clothes in a tub and Yes I can cook on a grill and fixed t-bone bbq for sandwiches :shock: and it was good too :lol: but now I am back on the ground and ready to begin my MF journey..Doug leaves Tuesday instead of Wed and alot of work will have to wait ill he returns in a month but praise God he has a good job as many don't have houses,cars,jobs or family at this time.. please continue to pray for all the people on the coast and in N. Orleans as they need it so badly.. thanks to you all..will write more later--Martha

OH-- I really don't need products--I have some soups I can learn to like and some other flavors I can drink :lol: I have 15 days of chocolate left..I feel terrible taking from you all..please give it to the people like Ameeye and others who need it worse than me..they have their paychecks affected by their spouses going to La to help out all of the poor people who have lost so much more than us.... we will make it as God has truely blessed us..Please know it is hard for me to take from anyone..I mean no disrespect to any of you wonderful people but we are okay and there are so many others who need it worse than me.. love you all..and will never forget all of your kindness to me..your friend for life--Martha

Nancy-- you did a good job on relaying our news-- just a few things were off a little but that's okay by me--I love ya and am thankful for you..You are truely an amazing person and God blessed me by helping me find your forum and web site.. love ya--Martha
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Postby Nancy » September 11th, 2005, 8:07 am

Martha ~

Thanks for the great update.

There is cash on your account to use to order more Chocolate Shakes - just call your Health Advisor and place the order on us!

Folks on theMakeMeThinnerForum helped Armeewyf out, too by sending her products and cash on her TSFL account so she is in good hands.

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Postby 24KaratGold » September 11th, 2005, 8:26 am

Martha, thanks to the Lord that you and yours have come through so well. We have all held you in our thoughts and prayers, and it is good to have you back here on the board to show us your spirit, your strength, and your courage. Let us know if it turns out that you do need something -- remember that in order for some to be blessed by giving others must be blessed by giving the opportunity to give.

*Hugs Martha* So glad you are alive, and safe.

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