Way off track this week

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Way off track this week

Postby bear45 » September 16th, 2004, 4:11 pm

Oh, my what a crazy week. I just totally let my emotions control me and basically ate food to "zone out" and not have to feel so much. Nothing I am proud of, but it is what I allowed to happen. The definitive part of that being "what I allowed to happen". You know, life is always going to happen...I am facing one of the most difficult challenges of my life right now and I just did not care for a few days.....where does that self-love go, anyway??? That part of me that can get so apathetic just took over.
So, now I have confessed!! Today has been VERY good...have only had shakes and some celery with my soup tonight. So, will do the full fast for awhile to break the cycle of letting myself eat what was not a part of my plan. Just checking in with you guys....let's just keep shakin!!!!! Thanks for being there.
Lisa in Dallas
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Postby ErikaEastwood » September 16th, 2004, 5:37 pm

Hang in there and Im glad you had a good day. Tommorrow will be day 1 for me but from what I remember from the last time it got pretty rough on that second day but a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do to get in those size 11's! Havnt seen that size since I was in 12th grade!
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Postby Jeanette » September 17th, 2004, 10:16 am

Hi Lisa:

Good for you for getting back on track! Feels great, doesn't it?
Jeanette :star:
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Postby SusannaRosannaDanna » September 17th, 2004, 11:46 am

Hey! You can't change what you've DONE, so concentrate on what you are ABOUT to do instead...much more effective, right?
Best of luck to you!

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Postby hawaiiwhatnot » September 17th, 2004, 11:53 am


You're ok now. It's ALL OK here as Dutch says. You've been very hard on yourself - stop it! Whatever you're going through is tough enough, and beating up on yourself with self-destructive behavior like over-eating just makes you feel worse. Stop it. (Well, THAT's easier said than done!)

You're at the station as Nancy says, and we're all extending our hands as the train to thinville passes by you. Grab on and let's start anew - it's a new day. When it gets tough, just look behind you - we're all here for you. :stroll:

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Postby DutchChoc » September 17th, 2004, 8:15 pm

Hey, Bear. I admire you for owning up to what you allowed to happen, as you stated it. The next step is to turn a deaf ear to that mean kid that's inside us who wants to apply a bad solution to an emotional difficulty, one that always makes things worse after the first couple of minutes.

You've gotten a long way to be in the 30# club, and you know exactly what it took. Just grab hold of that train that's at the station and climb aboard because it will feel so much better if you do.

Glad that you had a good day, and another, I hope?

I know what you mean about doing the "zone out" thing. With too much food, like with too much drink I'm sure, I just end up curling up and going into a rather sedated, miserable "rest" of avoidance, and when I wake up, there's often a prompting to do it all over again. We have to nip that cycle in the bud, and get back to experiencing life instead of wanting to block it out. We can do this!
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Postby Nancy » September 17th, 2004, 11:51 pm

Bear - it's a shiny sparkly brand NEW DAY!!

Read my January Newsletter - We do not look back here at MakeMeThinner!

We are forward thinkers all the way!

Shake on and shake it off!
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Postby shineface » September 18th, 2004, 4:39 pm

Hey there Bear---

No sense getting all Grissly over a decision you made - shake it off (oops) and get back in gear --- you can do it... Look at the success you've had so far - awesome! You ate - you confessed - on to another day!

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