
Questions/Comments about Weight loss Products.


Postby Kauket » March 9th, 2005, 7:59 am

I know there have been lots (and LOTS) of questions about drinking our water. I noticed last week that I wasn't drinking like I should and I'm trying to fix that. My new/current practice is to drink 10 oz of water at the top of every hour unless it's time for a "meal". Generally it falls into a pattern of meal-water-water. Is it ok to have your water essentially in one big gulp like this? or does it need to be spread out more? This isn't the only liquid I'm taking in, I've got a coke (cherry vanilla diet dr pepper! this are waaaay too good) that I sip on and sometimes some mint tea. But I'm not counting those with my water oz/day count.

Long story short, is it ok to chug large amounts relatively often, or should you just sip/slurp constantly all day? Or does it not matter and I'm just over analyzing it? I had a very rough week last week (Thanks auntie) and I feel like I need to redouble my efforts so I'm not taken by surprise next time.
Began 2/16/05
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Postby raederle » March 9th, 2005, 8:08 am

IMHO, You're doin' just fine. Some folks here like to gulp; others like to sip-- but to me, your meal-water-water plan makes a lot of sense. If you're getting it down, and you're able to do it regularly, I think there's no reason to doubt your personal style of water gulpage!

I just found Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper in my grocery store last week and had to try it because it sounded so odd-- it was awesome! I'm just worried it was a test market thing, because now I can't find it anymore! :shock: What's a girl to do??? You're right to not count the soda and tea (if it's caffeinated) against your water gulpage, so it sounds like you're right on track. I know that caffeine can cause problems for some folks, but not all-- so if you end up not losing for a couple weeks, you could always cut back on the caffeine and see if that was affecting you. But I wouldn't give it up unless it causes you problems. I use my soda as a treat during the day, and it keeps me going. So I wouldn't wanna do without it! So many things can cause mini-"stalls" for people that it's hard to pinpoint what you're doing "wrong" if you're not losing as quickly as others are-- and in most cases, you're not doing a thing wrong; your bod just does what it does at its own pace and there's nuthin' you can do about it.

Soooo.... that's a very long-winded way of saying I think you're just fine! If it ain't broke, don't fix it!

High weight = 180
Reached goal (125) 3/27/05
New goal: 130
I'll reach it again, one day at a time
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