by Nancy » August 9th, 2006, 3:11 pm
Boy, I always thought water tasted so nasty that I hardly ever had any – truly, the only water I ever had was the amount that dripped on my toothbrush before I applied toothpaste each morning and the water in my daily cup of coffee!
When I started Medifasting, I was more worried about drinking the required 64 ounces of water than I was about temporarily setting aside some of my favorite foods! Seriously, before Medifast, I drank NO water and it was pure torture for me to do so….I am such a sick-o person!
You folks always come up with the most interesting topics and conversations. You are so wise and I admire you all for your interest and desire to do the right things to improve your health and to help one another through this journey.
Drinking water assists our body by removing the ‘ashes’ of fat burning (the by-products of fat metabolism). Of course, our heart and other muscles need lots of water/fluids for best functioning abilities, too,
Several years ago, we thought the best plan was to count the glasses of plain water separately from the water and liquids used for the shakes, coffee, tea, sugar-free pop, etc. to encourage people to be sure to drink plenty of fluids. Most people try to drink 64-96 ounces of water a day.
Depending upon the temperature/humidity of your hometown, the nature of one’s physical activity (sedentary people who sit at a desk will not lose as much moisture/perspiration as a person who works outdoors as a landscaper), medications (taking diuretics can cause people to lose a lot of water), height/body size, etc. these factors affect the amount of water we need.
It is possible to drink too much water (yup, it can make you feel dizzy and wonky!) but for the most part, we tend to err on the side of not getting enough water in. Headaches, constipation, etc. can be the result of not drinking enough water. Find the right balance for your personal needs and then slurp that water consistently!
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
The Formerly FLABulous and Now very Fabulous
Nancy Pettit