water question/food addiction question

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water question/food addiction question

Postby shawna » January 12th, 2004, 2:55 pm


I'm on day 2 - and am having an unexpectedly okay time with it. I'm sure tomorrow may be a doozy - but I think I'm prepared.

I just can't gulp down ALL the water we have to drink! Is it okay to squeeze some lemon into the water and heat it? Does tea count as water? Does Crystal Light? Seems like everything we consume is water based...I'm just wondering what the boundaries are with the 6-8 glasses.

The other question I have is...I'm sure many of you can identify with food being an addictive aspect of your lives. When we take away the food - are you noticing that feelings are bubbling up that you were stuffing with the food? I expect this with me - as I've used food as an escape probably similar to the way alcoholics use alcohol. I've never binged or purged...but it has been a nice warm, fuzzy thing to look forward to. Just curious what things were uncovered as you all trekked down this same path. Anyone determine what they were escaping from when they turned to food repeatedly?

Thanks!! Keep up the great work, everyone. You are an inspiration to me!

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Postby Unca_Tim » January 13th, 2004, 10:16 am

Hi Shawna,
I think water is one of the most important aspects of the program. Very few of us consume enough good ole H2o these days. My guess is that even without the diet, if people just learned to guzzle more water we would improve our health. Our bods were designed to function with water. Water flushes our system and removes impurities, strengthens our organs, moisturizes and improves our skin and hair and on and on.

One way to help getting all your water is to ALWAYS have a bottle in front of you. Pack one around wherever you go. Have one in every room, the car, office, fanny pack etc....

I find if I always have it in arms reach, I sip more and don't gulp down a whole bottle at a time. It helps me from having potty runs as often when I sip all day, rather than having larger amounts fewer times a day.

You can add a little lemon or sugar free crystal light or equivalent, but in my opinion, straight ole H2o is the best. H2o is H2o, NOT H2o with an alphabet of other chemicals mixed with it. I know others here have disagreed with my stance on water versus other liquids, but who knows what affects any additions to water will have on how it acts chemically with our bods. At least try to get the bulk of your liquid for the day in the forum of plain ole H2o.

All the best,
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