Water loss

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Water loss

Postby pandasmom » April 6th, 2006, 11:50 am

Ok so people i have maybe a silly question.
How much of our first and maybe even second weeks weight loss is just water??

when do we actually start losing weight..??

Today is my 3rd day on MF. I am good. Had a small headache yesterday and a small one this am.. I am drinking TONS Of water believe me.. I got a jog that hold 74 oz and i drink that and then some each day... so thats not it.. just am not drinking as much soda and this so i figured its normal....

will be glad when it goes away but i am good.

Thanks to everyone for their support and all. People are great here.
Today i am going to the beach just to get out and take a small walk with my daughter. Since I am lucky and live like 15 mnutes from it. Even though we have had nothing but rain here in CA this week. Have to get out..

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Postby SueInSLO » April 6th, 2006, 12:16 pm

How much of our first and maybe even second weeks weight loss is just water??

when do we actually start losing weight..??

Hi there, :wave:
I'm not sure if everyone is the same. I think we do lose water at first, but I don't know a time frame. I imagine we all vary somewhat.

I do know if you stick to plan and keep up with your water intake the fat is coming off too.

I would HIGHLY suggest measuring yourself. When the scale doesn't always move, you WILL see inches coming off. I promise. :D

Keep it up, you'll do fine. Enjoy the sunshine too! I am soooooo happy to see some today too. I'm also in California.

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Postby MusicalMomma » April 6th, 2006, 12:51 pm

hi pandasmom :) I would think that no more than 5 pounds is water...unless you have hypertension or other water retaining condition. Welcome to the forum :)
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Postby falisamarie » April 6th, 2006, 12:55 pm

I do believe that all that water is gone and now the fat will be melting away! Just remember that the water was weight too and a loss is a loss!

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Water weight loss

Postby Jan » April 6th, 2006, 2:42 pm

During your first week on program about 1/2 of your total weight loss is water. After that you are burning fat and that's what you're parting with. :D
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Postby sheila » April 6th, 2006, 4:45 pm

I was wondering about that same thing. Thats why I love these forums so much, not only do we get awesome support from each other, we get questions answered, even if we forget to ask them ...like me. Like Lisa said tho, a loss is a loss, wooo hooo!
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Postby Taszi17 » April 6th, 2006, 5:08 pm

I totally agree bye bye water I don't care as long as that scale keeps going down :woohoo:
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Postby lilmamCece » April 6th, 2006, 5:38 pm

I'm also glad someone asked. I am on my 4th day, I have lost about 4 pds. I just though it was from going to the restroom so much. Thanks for clearing that up. Hopwfully next week I'll lose real weight. :D
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water loss

Postby Jan » April 6th, 2006, 10:13 pm

Don't worry only 1/2 of that loss can most likely be attributed to a water weight loss so .... you've most likely lost 2 pounds of fat also :D
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