Water: continued

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Water: continued

Postby SueInSLO » February 24th, 2006, 1:45 pm

Drinking loads of water will not make you retain water, but dehydration will. If your body feels worried that it's not getting enough water, it will hold on to what it has.

Water does make you pee and you will notice more trips to the loo, but you can lessen the effects by drinking throughout the day rather than chugging a couple of glasses in one go. If you drink more than one or two glasses in one sitting, your body will want to get rid of it and you won't reap the benefits.

Although some dieticians disagree on this, sparkling water, weak tea or weak coffee can count toward your daily fluid intake. But because they have a diuretic effect, try to limit the amount. Consider drinking herbal tea instead. If you are going to have an espresso, add an extra serving of water to your daily intake.

It's as easy as one, two, three…
Keep water by your workstation. Instead of munching on a biscuit or crisps, take a sip from your water bottle.

If the thought of consuming that much water makes you queasy, be strategic. Drink when you are most thirsty: when you wake up, when you have your meals, during your workouts. Carry a bottle of water with you and you'll be more likely to sip your way to your daily amount.

Make your water taste better by buying a water jug with a filter. You can also make your own flavoured water by cutting up a lemon or cucumber and adding to the water. Try making herbal iced tea by pouring boiling water over four tea bags, letting it steep for 10 minutes and diluting to taste with cold water.

And there's more
Although we diet for health reasons, it's often the fact that we'll look better that keeps us motivated. Drinking plenty of water will give you that dewy, fresh-faced look by plumping the cells in your skin so lines are less visible. Water flushes impurities away and reduces blemishes. And, according to the American Holistic Association, water has a very high concentration of negative ions, which can bring about a feeling of well-being.

Sitting by a lake or ocean can add to your sense of peace; a benefit for emotional eaters. Swimming is great exercise and the fact that you are immersed in water means you'll also get the emotional benefit of those negative ions. So what are you waiting for? Jump in now, and before you know it, your weight loss will be going swimmingly.
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Postby DogMa » February 24th, 2006, 2:54 pm

Thanks for the info, Sue. But only 2 liters a day? I usually drink about twice that!

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Postby SueInSLO » February 24th, 2006, 5:01 pm

Hi Robin! :wave:

I drink more that 2 liters too :guzzle: , but I thought some of the other information might be interesting to others.

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Postby Serendipity » February 24th, 2006, 6:45 pm

I've decided to up my water intake as an experiment for the next month. I have been drinking just the 64 oz. required along with tea, coffee, and occasionally a diet soda. For one month, I will drink half my weight in ounces of water as I've read suggested in another post.

I'll let you know the results at the end of March.
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