Water Aerobics

Questions/Comments about Weight loss Products.

Postby armeewyf » September 26th, 2005, 9:18 am

This may not belong under this topic....BUT...since we are on the subject of exercise, I am wondering if anyone on here does water aerobics? and if so, is it a good option?

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Postby ladyhawke » September 26th, 2005, 7:35 pm

Really good I got a set at Sports Authority, a waist band floaty thing and other webbed things for the hands and feet and styrofoam bar bells.
Sunday I get all dressed in full drag with that stuff to go to our assocation's pool and and it was closed because lightning hit the pump and it was inop.

Anway the lbs rolled off the last time I did water exercise 4x a week.
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Water Aerobics

Postby I'm a loser » September 26th, 2005, 8:30 pm

I am going to Water Aerobics 2-3x a week. I really like it and I feel better after taking the classes. I do not feel like the workouts are very hard and wonder if another type of exercise might have more impact on my weight loss. Maybe we will get someone else's opinion. In the meantime, I do enjoy the classes and they do get me moving for an hour 2-3x per week.

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Re: Water Aerobics

Postby BerkshireGrl » September 27th, 2005, 9:42 am

I'm a loser wrote:I am going to Water Aerobics 2-3x a week. I really like it and I feel better after taking the classes. I do not feel like the workouts are very hard and wonder if another type of exercise might have more impact on my weight loss.

Hiya! I used to do water aerobics at the YMCA, and while the exercise felt easier because my body was supported by the water and I couldn't feel myself sweating, I did find it tough... especially running through the water :) I bet you are burning more calories than you think!

Are you happy with your weekly weight loss? How much do you average a week? (And are you on the 5 & 1 Plan or the Complete?)

I've read on here that we should max out at 45 minutes a day (think that was the figure) of strenous exercise. More than that is too much on MF, since we are not eating a "normal" amount of calories... and weight loss can stall if the body falls into starvation mode.

Something you might consider is adding some weight-lifting to your week. Adding muscle will burn more calories around the clock, increase your metabolism, burn more fat, and even firm and tone too :)
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Postby I'm a loser » September 27th, 2005, 10:38 pm

Hello There!
I think I am burning calories but also wonder if the hour I spend there could be better spent doing weights AND cardio. I just really enjoy the water aerobics and do not LOVE cardio & weights. Though I just know weight lifting is probably best for me. I mostly am on the complete plan- but 1-2 times a week I will switch to the 5&1- it helps to keep my social life up when I am able to go with friends to dinner or lunch and have a L&G meal. I am pretty happy with my weight loss- I have lost 37 pounds since 7/12/05. I also went completely off the program at the end of August for about 5 days (vacation) and spent two weeks in Sept stuck at 228 even though I followed the complete program to a tee during that time. I am now loosing about 1/2 pound a day- I don't think I could ask for better results than that! I am hoping to start some weight lifting in the next few weeks. You are right- that is what is best for me!

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Postby armeewyf » September 28th, 2005, 5:24 am

Ivy--I am going to give the local place that offers water aerobics a call today-I am going to ask what the benefits are just for "official information". My mom was here from FL for a few weeks. She said if I lose another 30 (or maybe 40 or 50) like I want to that I will be soooooooooooooooooooo (did that make the point?!) FLABBY...she said if I go to the water aerobics class, she will pay. I want something that will help tone me up (cause yes there is a jiggle here and there) but also something that will help me lose as well. I haven't done exercise because I am afraid of it slowing me down...basically, other than walking, I don't know what to do. My HA said anything that breaks a sweat isn't good if you are on the full program (I alternate) so that just confused me more.

If I get good info from the phone call I will post it.
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Postby dlr2424 » September 28th, 2005, 11:44 am

Leeanne................water aerobics is an excellant source of exercise...........however, let me reassure you................tell MOM.........you will nnnnnoooooooooootttttttttttttttt be flabby (will she get that point?...lol).........given your size....your skin for the most part will find it's way back home...however if she's willing to pay........heck go for it................I personnaly think pilates is a great form of exercise...........20 mins a day..........excellant toning for your body..........fast.....free..... and in the privacy of your own home.............you'll be amazed at the results ..if you have a library nearby.....check out Winsor pilates.....there is a 3 tape series...........the first one is 20 min and works great..........

P.S. the emoticon page is down so I cannot color my post and I am having emoticon withdrawel...... :( .......

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