by LoriHatesOkra » May 17th, 2007, 7:25 am
I had something similar but not so rude. My fh and I just got engaged in March (after 6 years of dating so it wasn't a surprise lol). We went in and picked out a ring. The sales gal was WONDERFUL. We ended up picking a diamond out of a set of earrings they had in their case and so she said she would have the ring appraised at corporate at a later date since they use a jacket grading on the set of earrings and don't have a specific classification for each diamond. I even ended up writing a letter to their corporate office bragging about the great service we received from her. I took it back last month and asked them to send it in for an appraisal and they about crapped. The sales gal that helped us in the beginning had been promoted and moved to a different store. They called her about 3 times to find out why she had promised me that and gave me hell about sending it in. Once I got it back (3 weeks later) I asked about sizing. I thought they had free resizing but I was mistaken. The guy asked if I had already had it resized and I said yes just the first time when I picked up the ring when we bought it. He said "well why are you having it resized again 2 months later?" I said I lost 30 pounds and now it's falling off my finger, he said "Well then it's $60... $20 for each size you have to go down and another $40 to re-rhodium plate it" He was snotty as if I shouldn't have bothered to lose the weight and if maybe I hadn't said that's why that it would have been free. I'm going to try to call the store where the other lady went and see if I can take it in there for resizing. Even if I have to pay for it there I know I'll be treated better. Honestly, what is wrong with these people?