Wanting to Quit

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Wanting to Quit

Postby Daisey » July 31st, 2005, 8:08 pm

Hi everybody, this is my second time posting here. I am a bit confused…is there a membership I am supposed to sign-up/pay for to use this forum? Also, I signed up for something on here and I picked my name as Daisey. But when I tried to post, it said that name was already taken, so instead I used Daisey523. However, when I sign in, I use Daisey. Again, I am confused.

But that is the least of my problems right now! Today is my third attempt at day one. I posted a couple of days ago and received several wonderful replies. I was really motivated! One the end of day 3, I ended up eating junky foods. So I started again the next day and lasted until around 7:00p.m. So I ate for two days and today (Sunday) is once again, day one. I am wanting to eat so bad I can’t stand it!! I am going crazy! I took somebody’s advice and put a note in my car reminding myself to stick with it. Tonight, around 7:00p.m., I had my keys in my hand and I was walking out to my car and I thought of my note. I ended up turning around and going back in the house. A few minutes later I said forget it, I want to eat, so I was going to leave again, but I didn’t, instead I came online to this forum.

When I feel like eating I tell myself forget it, it doesn’t matter, I don’t care. I just want to eat and that’s that and I do not care about the consequences, I want instant gratification!! I really do not even know why I am not eating right now because I am going nuts over wanting to say screw it, and eat until I feel really, really, really full. I also tell myself, well hey, maybe I will do medifast a bit differently. I will do shakes in the day and since I have such low calories in the day, I can eat a yummy dinner (my idea of yummy dinner is not a healthy dinner), and who knows, I should be able to also get away with having some dessert.

My thought process is insane. It is hard to change my thoughts and not feel like I am a locomotive train in a rush to get to the store to get that food that is going to satisfy me in so many ways!

When I blew it on day three at 7:00pm, I had just got done reading a bunch of inspiration stuff from this website, I felt motivated and everything. I signed off, sat on the couch to pet my dog and watch tv and within minutes it hit me—I have to eat now and nothing is going to stop me! I was just feeling confident and determined and then completely lost it. Ugh!!! This is only day one again, how am I gonna get through the next couple of days???

Okay, so for me, I feel okay during the day (for the most part). It is the evening time that tortures me (seems usually around 7:00p.m.). Does anybody have any suggestions on things I can do in the evening to help me from going food crazy?? I want to approach tomorrow’s witching hour with some tools.

Thanks everybody for being so wonderful here! Currently it is a little after 8:00p.m. (in California), only four more hours of day one to go!!!!
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Want to quit

Postby Jan » July 31st, 2005, 9:11 pm

Hi Daisey,
I remember you -- I suggested you put the note in your car and I'm glad it worked sort of. You will get stronger -- believe it. We all have to start somewhere. And, Daisey the first three days are the hardest. Just work very very hard to make it thru them. You can do it. We all have-- and you're not that different than the rest of us. Here's the bonus, after the first three days your system starts to adapt and the hunger subsides. You know sometimes we are really thirsty but we interpret it as hunger. I would suggest you drink lots and lots of water, crystal lite, diet soda whatever is on program to fill your tummy. If it is really full it is more difficult to stuff anything else in.
I think a great idea for you would be to learn to do something which envolves your hands. There are lots of options. Needlework, knitting, crochet embroidery latch hook etc. There are really lots of things. The idea is it is hard to stuff our faces when our hands are busy. When we are just sitting it's pretty easy. When we keep our hands busy and our minds busy the time passes quite quickly.
I sugested quite some time ago that ladies ( and men) set up an accountablilty system for themselves. An easy way is to get a calendar and either purchase some stickers or just use a pen and each day you are compliant with the program reward yourself with a sticker or symbol. I have used happy faces. It's surprising but when you see a row of happy faces you really don't want to break the pattern -- so you behave yourself so that you can add another. Maybe for you, you might want to do hourly accountability in the evenings -- that seems to be your hardest time.
I know instant gratification is a real temptation but try to set some goals and reward yourself in a non-eating way. For instance: if I am compliant for 7 days I get .... could be a number of things according to your budget from big to little just not food!!
Well, I'm going to be watching for you and seeing how you do. Oh, and no
there's no charge to use the forum -- it's just for you and others for the very purpose of helping each other. If you continue to have trouble e- mail contact Unca_Tim<snip>no emails please - Mr. Snippy<snip> He will help you out and is really good at it.

<comment>to contact Unca_Tim about web or forum problems - find a post by Unca_Tim and click on his email button - UT</comment>
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Postby Nancy » July 31st, 2005, 9:30 pm

Daisey ~

How thankful I am that you logged on tonight. Avoid the kitchen Girl!

If you MUST eat, fix a shake and drink it slowly. Usually cravings are satisfied within 15-20 minutes. It takes about that long for the stomach to tell the brain that it is satisfied.

This is NOT an easy task - you must trust us, it does get easier. Eventually.

Take your dog for a walk. I used to go to bed early to avoid eating. Take a Pepcid, have a big old glass of water and go to bed. Read a book. Do NOT watch TV - way too foody. Commercials lie and woo us to the kitchen. See DVDs/videos but no TV for a while...

Read my Newsletters http://www.makemethinner.com/newsletter/

Come on. If an older lady like me can do it, you CAN do it, too – you’ll be glad you did!

Quitters don't win at the losing game.

Where will you be in one week or one month if you quit now?

Where will you be in one week or one month if you stick to the program?
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Postby martha » August 1st, 2005, 8:42 am


YOU CAN DO THIS!!! I am sure you can.. The 1st 3 days are the hardest on this program.. I didn't think I but after the 3 days were up it got so easy to do.. I hardly ever crave anything now.. Yes sometimes I see someone eating something or I cook to break the program for it now or wait till goal and so far waiting till goal has won..I took control over the food and that has never happened before MF..
Nightimes were always my time to eat too. I always would start diets and do good all day only to break it at night and I mean BREAK IT bigtime.. then I would be miserable all night from it.. I have done this over and over for a very long time till MF.. This program is so doable..You can do it..I started putting puzzles together to keep my hands busy..I don't like to stop till I finish them.. I will have to set the clock to remind me to SLURP the next shake.. It helps to keep busy and stay out of the T.V. for a few nights.. It really helped me anyway..
This forum is free to anyone who wants to use it and yes it is a great place to come for inspiration or help about anything in your life.. These people here really care about you and your well being and especially about helping you achieve your goal.. please don't hesitate to us it anytime you need ...be it for inspiration or to just vent.. we are here for you..
Jan and NANCY have some really good ideas and there are all kind of threads on all kinds of subject to help you along the way.. Please try it by honestly committing to the 3 days and see how you feel.. sip your shakes slowly if needed.. we have all kinds of supplements to eat and not just the shakes.. you can also have pickles(crunchy) bouillon soups-fast soups-SF candy(5) and many others to help you with just having something in your mouth to get through the rough periods.. Look forward to hearing aobut your success..YOU CAN DO THIS>>Martha
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Postby Lynzi » August 1st, 2005, 11:25 am

Hello Daisey...
I can really relate. This is my second day of MF, and I , like YOU, have trouble in the evening. I "gave in" to my carb craving last night. It is a habit, a way to unwind from the day, to watch TV with a big bowl of ..... . I have done it for years, and I am trying to change it over-night. I am so disappointed in myself, but I am going to make it tonight. I am going to give it my all for the next 3 days. They say it will get easier.
Martha-you are a natural cheerleader. Thank you for generously sharing your time and encouragement with all of us. I hope your contagious :D .
Best Wishes Daisey...you can do it!! Lyn
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Postby Nancy » August 1st, 2005, 12:00 pm

The first few days are KILLER!

And yet...we survive! Think about the folks on Survivor Island...pretend you are on an island with no grocery stores or fast food restaurants.

Yes, it's tough but we can do tough things!
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Postby suzyq » August 1st, 2005, 12:28 pm

I too was a big carbaholic in the evening :twisted: . I started and re-started this program many times - only to blow it in the evening - usually within the first 3 days. I finally cleaned my house of anything really tempting to me and started planning. I almost always save my bar for early evening - and savor it with a cup of tea. I also started making my last shake of the day at that time and then grabbing it later as I head up the stairs to bed. I now have 2 shaker cups and try to always have one in the fridge ready to go. If I am really having a hard time fighting cravings I go shopping - somewhere without food! You can also plan to save your "freebies" for your toughest times - have them all measured out and ready for a snack attack! :shoot:

Most of all, drink drink drink! :water: It makes you feel so much better! And read the forum whenever you can. It is definitely what helped me make it this far!

Good luck Daisey!

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Postby martha » August 1st, 2005, 4:11 pm


Thanks for the kind words and I know both you and Daisey can do this.. Believe me if I can ANYONE can.. It is the most doeable program I have ever seen.. Hang int here and tonight is the night ..I know you will make it and then it's home free for you..SKINNY is the word people are going to use to describe you sooner than you think.. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: ---I have FAITH in your ability to do this program...

Susanne--Love the water cooler thingy :mrgreen: all of you have the cutest way of posting repies.. I sure hope to learn them all soon. new to computers but am interested in it all. Great responses..Keep up the good work..Martha
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Postby Nancy » August 1st, 2005, 6:21 pm

Susanne ~

Yup, we gotta be Boy Scouts - Be Prepared at all times, in all places and for every circumstance.

:drive: Never leave home without your Medigrub!

It definitely is best to hose out your house of all temporarily :twisted: foods. :devious: when they are not around to call your name to the cupboards, then we cannot succumb to the carbs - take a shake break instead! :toast:
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