Want to lose weight and tone in about a month

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Want to lose weight and tone in about a month

Postby ry-ry02 » July 14th, 2004, 7:44 pm

Okay, here’s the deal. My hubby is going to have a vasectomy early next month, and I thought this would be a good chance to impress him. After the surgery we wont be able to…well you know, for two weeks. That’s not exactly why though. Since our son I have put on a little extra weight, which isn’t all bad because before I used to literally be all skin and bones. Also this would usually be an ideal weight 125 lbs, but it just doesn’t look right. I am flabby and my belly hangs over my pants really bad. Though he tells me he’s still attracted to me and so on, I can tell its not near the same as before our son. After the two weeks are over, I want to surprise him a little, and I thought this would be the perfect opportunity and its also motivated me a lot. Plus it wouldn’t be hard to hide since I work out while he’s at work and wear baggy cloths already. The problem is I don’t know how I could possibly lose enough weight and tone up well enough for this to be a good surprise in just a month. I just want to lose enough to have a flatter belly is all, whether that’s 5 or even 15 pounds.

I have been working out for the past two days. I did a variety of crunches yesterday, and going to try and do that every other day. Then I am trying to do a little cardio every day, which is running up the stairs two at a time and then walking down the stairs one at a time to catch my breath. I do this for 5 minutes, and am going to make it longer a little at a time. Then I am trying to cut down what I eat and cut down on the soda. The problem isn’t really working out, but eating. I really love to eat and am having the hardest time cutting down, plus the soda is hard too. Also, is all of this enough? Would this even do any thing at all in just a month?

Sorry so long and I hope you don’t think I’m crazy or anything. I just wanted to lose it and hide it till a special day. I thought this might make it seem more like a drastic change, cause usually when you watch someone lose weight you don’t notice it too well because you see them everyday.
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Postby Jeanette » July 15th, 2004, 6:40 am

Welcome! I don't think wanting to look good for your husband is a crazy thing at all!

It sounds like your exercise regimen is a good one. The main rule is to be CONsistent and PERsistent!
Jeanette :star:
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