I had to laugh about the popcorn...
I absolutely

LOVE popcorn.
BM (Oh, that sounds sortta weird, eh? B.M. = Before Medifast!), I’d come home late on Wed. nights from work and have
TWO bags of Butterlicious micro popcorn WITH additional melted butter. OK, I’ll come clean. I had
ONE CUBE of melted butter on top of the Butterlicious Microwave popped corn.
Yup, Folks, I was a greasy-chinned girl!
To this day, I have NOT had ANY popcorn since I started on Medifast on July 16th, 2002. I’m not gonna go there. Just a personal decision. Oh, I certainly could have it, I just don’t need it now. I also haven’t been to a movie theater in years…I like wearing my size 6 pants too much to have a wad of pop corn...it just might be a detriment to me...