I can totally understand how you felt when you first caught a glimpse of HOPE. I am a Christian and felt like all areas of my life were going well, were in control, I had hope that God would provide for the needs of everyone, had experienced His faithfulness and goodness to me but I was totally hopeless when it came to weight loss and weight management.
Since I had failed all other weight loss programs that I had used, I assumed that this one would fail, too. I was afraid to get my hopes up and to have to face the fact that once again, I was a failure. You see, I had equated my level of success in life with the number on our bathroom scale. My value was wrapped up in my clothing size. Now I know that I was a blockhead but that’s just where I was in my thinking.
I read about how others had lost weight using Medifast in a little newsprint brochure and I thought about how I wished it would work for me. I read the clinical study by Johns Hopkins and that sounded good to me. I began to pray about whether or not I was emotionally ‘up’ to beginning another diet.
There were no websites such as mine in those days and I felt like I was blazing a trail into an unknown forest but I just felt like I must try one more thing before I signed up for pre-bariatric surgery classes. I had read about how Medifast worked for others but I kept thinking, “BUT will it work for ME?” Can I make it work? Am I willing to do it the right way – 100% the right way? My puny little voice whispered, “Yes. I will do my best. With all my heart I will do it 100% correctly.”
I felt better immediately. I began to see my success-o-meter show some weight loss results but at first I doubted the reading. I jumped on and off that scale EVERY time I went to the BR. I assumed that some one had bumped the scale and the scale was whacked but when my clothing actually became loser, I thought it must truly be working. When I had lost about 30 pounds, I realized that Medifast was working for ME. Wow! What a moment! Right there in the old BR, I had experienced an outpouring of HOPE! Lemme tell ya, hope reigns!
You better believe Medifast brings us hope – hope for losing the needed weight and hope for maintaining the weight loss. For the rest of my life, I have hope. I have the hope for all others that are willing to get their rear in gear and do it the right way, too. It takes effort. Great effort – hopeful effort – to make permanent life style changes, to change the way you think about food and to develop a new healthy approach to life.