Saturday Morning 8:58 a.m.
It's raining cats and dogs in NY, but I feel so great!LOL I was reading a post in this forum; I forget the name of the OP, might have been Cathie. But she said she was cheerful and just could not get mad and I so want that to be me.
Anyway, DH and I are supposed to be somewhere today, but I told him I could not go - I want to start MF away from hundreds of people and just stay home enjoy the rain on the roof, read my bible and meditate. To my surprise he said he would stay with me. Normally he would fuss and then go alone. He said I should allow him a 1/2 hour nap then he would come back downstairs do bible study with me and then keep me company while I watch the GOD CHANNEL (what my British cousins call any station where they see a preacher

I really wonder what is in store for me. One challenge (not problem) I have is I have very poor imagination. It so hard for me to envision good for myself. While I don't consider myself to be a negative person or a pessimist, I do have a hard time picturing myself blossoming, me taking life by the horns. That has to change, I do believe.
I used to do some kick-butt journaling in college and some wench stole my journals. Lord knows where they are. My professor nearly cried (she had read portions of it for a class). Anyway, since then I don't commit anything to paper. But I know its helpful and necessary. Maybe I will also go back to keeping a prayer journal. I saw my mom's prayer journal sometime back and saw all my issues and my brother's issues and other people's public issues (she would not write down a private matter) and I could see in the margin she had written how God had answered her prayer. It's amazing. Man, you got a problem let your momma pray for you...or ask somebody's momma....any momma.
Well, back to MF. I made the blueberry oatmeal and will have that now.
Hmmm doesn't taste bad, a bit gummy (maybe I let it stand too long) - not as sweet as my quaker instant oatmeal.

Surprise Surprise! I think I will try the vanilla shake next.
DH Weighed me in this morning. I made him do it because he has frighteningly bad memory. So I can see myself knocking off 20lbs and him saying "isnt THAT your starting weight???" And I would have to kill him. So to avoid DHicide, he weighed me. I weighed in at 264.6 --queer I had been 267 all week!!! So that is good. I am down before I even start. Bah ha ha He also helped me take my measurements. I took some of his - he is ruler!! A twig!!

(just kidding)
So that is it. I have begun my journey. Stay close.