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Postby VictoriousNat » August 25th, 2006, 7:46 am

Day Before the First Day of the Rest of My Life

At my desk at work and I am looking forward to Day one tomorrow.
I spent last night organizing and packing my MF meals away in the pantry. We are rehabbing our old home and soon some serious work will begin to install central air and heat, but I know I can handle it.

As I was getting out of bed DH told me not to worry that by God's grace MF will work. I told him that it HAS to work.....or (I thought silently) I am done! Does he realize though what this will mean for him? How much I will need him. He is not a comforter or supporter by nature - more the type to tell me "put on your big girl panties and deal with it." He has never said that but that is indeed his approach to life.

Hmmmm Nevertheless, I am excited because tomorrow is a brand new day!!! And I will begin again.

No one (I exaggerate) showed up for work today...two did not even call in. What the! Oh well, perhaps we can close early and I can go get my brows waxed and my hair done. :D I have a feeling I will replace chewing with pampering. :lol:
Last edited by VictoriousNat on August 25th, 2006, 8:00 am, edited 2 times in total.
Start 8/24/06
Lost 34lbs and over 30 Inches. Regained 9lbs. Down 4lbs on vacation in Jamaica - yeehaw!
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Postby TheShadow » August 25th, 2006, 7:58 am

Your DH may surprise you. He wants this for you as much as you want it for yourself. And he's right, it will work for you. As long as you have faith and STICK TO THE PLAN. The first 2 weeks will be so motivating when you see 10 lbs plus jump right off your butt. Just remember that the first 3 days are the hardest, and once you're past that, it's really pretty easy if you set yourself up for success. Try not to let outside people's negativity influence you. Everyone on this forum was once right where you are now and look how well we're doing. You will do well too. We are here to make sure that you do. Dive right in and start to feel good about yourself again. Know that you're changing your future today.
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New Day Tomorrow

Postby Harmony » August 25th, 2006, 4:25 pm

You Go Girl! Enjoy each and every moment of MF. Try different combinations for the 5-1 plan. Make it work for you. I have been on the plan for just over one week and I have loss my first ten pounds. YEA!

Keep us posted...

Harmony in the Bay Area
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Postby JeepGirl » August 25th, 2006, 5:49 pm

Hi Nat,
You will be able to do this because you want is that simple. When those thoughts of doubt lurk in just think what you will look like and how you will feel in 4-6 months when you stick to the plan!

I hope your husband comes around.. most times they seem to once they see it actually works. If yours is like mine..he has seen me try all sorts of diets and this is the 1st thing that has ever worked, so he is 100% behind it!

As for pampering and such..when I started MF I wrote down my mini-goals and a reward to go along with each goal. It has worked for me and each time I get a reward for making a goal I feel so much more better about myelf & what I am doing!

Good luck!!
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Postby VictoriousNat » August 25th, 2006, 7:08 pm

Thanks again for the words of support! Well tomorrow is the day. Today I was tempted to go buy every ounce of Caribbean and Latin food I could and eat it all as a way of saying so long. :lol: :roll: Happy to report I did not.

I think you are right, JeepGirl. Although DH and I have only known each other for 4 years and married for 1.5 he THINKS he has seen me fail enough and is wondering what now. Tonight he asked whether I knew that most people gain their weight back. Most?? Anyway, I just listened patiently and then shared why I thought MF was different.

He volunteered to do his own cooking. He said having to cook for him would be too much trauma. He is a vegetarian, but we cook up some tasty vegetarian west indian dishes. He said he would be willing to cook chicken for me. :-P I have an uninitiated Foreman grill in the pantry so we can start using it on sunday. Tomorrow I am using a boca burger for my LG.

Earlier tonight I reminded him to take out the garbage. He said cant we just leave it in the backyard until next pick up day....NEXT WEDNESDAY!!! :hammerhead1: So I took the garbage out myself. Later he asked what else he could do to help with MF. I said "take out the garbage on the right day and stop p*ss*ng me off." :lol: We both laughed and laughed.

Anyway, enough rambling. TTYS!
Start 8/24/06
Lost 34lbs and over 30 Inches. Regained 9lbs. Down 4lbs on vacation in Jamaica - yeehaw!
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Postby VictoriousNat » August 26th, 2006, 6:21 am

Saturday Morning 8:58 a.m.

It's raining cats and dogs in NY, but I feel so great!LOL I was reading a post in this forum; I forget the name of the OP, might have been Cathie. But she said she was cheerful and just could not get mad and I so want that to be me. :lol:

Anyway, DH and I are supposed to be somewhere today, but I told him I could not go - I want to start MF away from hundreds of people and just stay home enjoy the rain on the roof, read my bible and meditate. To my surprise he said he would stay with me. Normally he would fuss and then go alone. He said I should allow him a 1/2 hour nap then he would come back downstairs do bible study with me and then keep me company while I watch the GOD CHANNEL (what my British cousins call any station where they see a preacher :lol: )

I really wonder what is in store for me. One challenge (not problem) I have is I have very poor imagination. It so hard for me to envision good for myself. While I don't consider myself to be a negative person or a pessimist, I do have a hard time picturing myself blossoming, me taking life by the horns. That has to change, I do believe.

I used to do some kick-butt journaling in college and some wench stole my journals. Lord knows where they are. My professor nearly cried (she had read portions of it for a class). Anyway, since then I don't commit anything to paper. But I know its helpful and necessary. Maybe I will also go back to keeping a prayer journal. I saw my mom's prayer journal sometime back and saw all my issues and my brother's issues and other people's public issues (she would not write down a private matter) and I could see in the margin she had written how God had answered her prayer. It's amazing. Man, you got a problem let your momma pray for you...or ask somebody's momma....any momma. :lol:

Well, back to MF. I made the blueberry oatmeal and will have that now.
Hmmm doesn't taste bad, a bit gummy (maybe I let it stand too long) - not as sweet as my quaker instant oatmeal. ;) Surprise Surprise! I think I will try the vanilla shake next.

DH Weighed me in this morning. I made him do it because he has frighteningly bad memory. So I can see myself knocking off 20lbs and him saying "isnt THAT your starting weight???" And I would have to kill him. So to avoid DHicide, he weighed me. I weighed in at 264.6 --queer I had been 267 all week!!! So that is good. I am down before I even start. Bah ha ha He also helped me take my measurements. I took some of his - he is ruler!! A twig!! :shoot: (just kidding)

So that is it. I have begun my journey. Stay close.
Start 8/24/06
Lost 34lbs and over 30 Inches. Regained 9lbs. Down 4lbs on vacation in Jamaica - yeehaw!
Waiting for Doctor's clearance to restart MF.
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Postby cyn » August 26th, 2006, 6:38 am

Nat~Best of luck to you on your journey. I have started a support group for anyone just getting started on the program in the weight room forum. I would love to have you join if you are interested. I thought it would be a nice idea to have support and motivation for us beginners.
I am so happy that you are already a loser!! That is wonderful!!
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Postby VictoriousNat » August 26th, 2006, 8:52 am

11:51 a.m.

How is it possible?!!! How is it possible that a woman who gained almost all her excess weight from the vulgar over consumption of refined sugar thinks the ready to go french vanilla shake is TOO sweet???? :lol: I will have to ask Nancy and other experienced folks how to modify it. Maybe I can add ice and water and put it in the blender. I did take a sip of water after every 4 or so sips of the shake. Hope that was okay.
Start 8/24/06
Lost 34lbs and over 30 Inches. Regained 9lbs. Down 4lbs on vacation in Jamaica - yeehaw!
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Postby VictoriousNat » August 26th, 2006, 5:58 pm


I am getting quite the workout going upstairs to pee all the time (house only has one bathroom :cry: ). Helpppp!!! :D

It’s now almost 9pm and day one will soon be under my belt. Waiting for my chili to cool. I usually wait up for DH who gets home from work at midnight! Ugh Today was not bad at all. I did feel hungry at some point and being the oral freak that I am I had to find some orbit gum just to keep chewing (tool two sticks).

All in all the food was all right; I think I can handle it.

1. blueberry oatmeal - okay but I probably messed up the preparation - it was kinda gummy - gonna do it on the stove top tomorrow

2. french vanilla ready to go shake - sweet mother of pearl! it's too sweet! me no likey; will have to maybe add more water or put ice in the magic bullet. We’ll see.

L&G - loved it!! so happy; Thoroughly enjoyed my L&G - boca burger and 1 cup steamed broccoli and asparagus with mrs dash and a dollop of ketchup. I am in portion denial. I was shocked at how 1 cup of chopped veggies filled my plate. I was satisfied. DH looked at me like I was cheating. Gonna punch him soon. :D

3. Caramel bar - loved it! YUMMY!!

4. Wild rice soup – stove top - doctored with Mrs Dash extra spicy – not bad; better than I expected. Texture was okay not too crunchy not too soft

5. chili - stove top doctored with cayenne and extra thyme and cumin I messed up – its way too watery not like pic on the box – I accidentally used 1 cup instead of half cup of water!! Argh! Oh well I need to read carefully. LOL
Start 8/24/06
Lost 34lbs and over 30 Inches. Regained 9lbs. Down 4lbs on vacation in Jamaica - yeehaw!
Waiting for Doctor's clearance to restart MF.
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Try a few of my tricks

Postby Harmony » August 28th, 2006, 9:49 am

Just a few of my tricks:
1. With the soups I add a few pieces of chopped up water chestnuts, some chopped of celery with the leaves, and of course tabasco sauce. I like spice to my meals.

2. With the protein shakes I use a little bit more water and I will add 1/2 cup or so of Diet Creme Soda. Gives it a bit of a different taste.

3. I also add spices to the Chili to make it really tasty. I am sure it is tasty by itself but again I love spicy foods.

Drink lots of water......

The first two to three days are the hardest. MF gets easier each day after that. PLUS, when you jump and the scale and see results it really gets easy!

Email me if you would like to chat -
<snip>no email addys please - Mr. Snippy</snip>

Good Luck - Stay focused.

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Re: Try a few of my tricks

Postby VictoriousNat » August 29th, 2006, 8:33 pm

Harmony wrote:Just a few of my tricks:
1. With the soups I add a few pieces of chopped up water chestnuts, some chopped of celery with the leaves, and of course tabasco sauce. I like spice to my meals.

2. With the protein shakes I use a little bit more water and I will add 1/2 cup or so of Diet Creme Soda. Gives it a bit of a different taste.

3. I also add spices to the Chili to make it really tasty. I am sure it is tasty by itself but again I love spicy foods.

Drink lots of water......

The first two to three days are the hardest. MF gets easier each day after that. PLUS, when you jump and the scale and see results it really gets easy!

Email me if you would like to chat -
<snip>no email addys please - Mr. Snippy</snip>

Good Luck - Stay focused.


Thanks so much for tips Harmony. I am telling you, I could not do this alone - the way everyone shares here helps make it better for all.

Today was day 4 and it was harder than days 1 and 2. I was hungry and a bit light headed. But I made it thru. I did not get my scale yet, so I have guessed on the chicken, so I am going to use boca burger tomorrow and try to get a scale on my lunch hour.

Speaking of scales, mine has not moved since Sunday morning. I feel kinda scared. I upped my water intake so hopefully that will help. I still feel bloated from the shakes, so I am going to get the lactose pills Elizabeth recommended.

Hope you are crusin' right along. :D
Start 8/24/06
Lost 34lbs and over 30 Inches. Regained 9lbs. Down 4lbs on vacation in Jamaica - yeehaw!
Waiting for Doctor's clearance to restart MF.
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